🖤47: ᴘᴀʀᴀʟɪsʏs 🖤

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      After Mitoki passed away, Sumiyoshi was eager to get out of there as soon as possible. He grabbed Mabel and sped out, thinking no one would question, but they did. Explaining was a pain, but he felt they deserved one, even if they weren't likely to remember anyhow. He hoped his Yoriichi, who was also his uncle in addition to being a friend, was here. He would have described the close relationship he and his twin brother shared and how it evolved. He can now rest well knowing that Michikatsu never despised him while they were kids or years afterwards. His jealousy overtook him, but his jealousy was mistaken for hatred, and Mitchikatsu himself didn't know how he felt about his brother, but now that he has a large family that loves him, despite the fact that he used to kill and devour innocent people, he discovered the love that was concealed for his brother. The moment he realized that his brother was always there for him, even after he passed away, he found the corruption within of within him and replaced it with love.

      Sumiyoshi can't help but smile as he recalls Kokushibo telling him about his history as he goes back to the house up the mountain where Urokodaki and Senjuto are. He had to admit that he had been terrified of Kokushibo when they had first met, but how could he still be when the man is now his father? He is the one who should be protecting him and treating him as if they were connected biologically, so how can he be afraid of him?

      The image of Senjuro hugging Mabel firmly while he sobbed and continuously said "I'm sorry" made the Kamado smile. He wanted to stay for their safety, as he had previously assured them, but Urokodaki had other ideas. "Go fight Muzan. He is now Mabel's biggest threat, thus the more of us that fight alongside one another, the better our chances of winning are." He wanted to protest and remain in case something went wrong, but he had a point. Muzan was now everyone's target, including his own, therefore he had no choice but to go battle with his family.

      Douma rushes beside Akaza, tears streaming down the blonde's face, gazing ahead and following the crow that guides them to the man they all despise the most. The crow abruptly comes to a halt, nearly tripping the two demons. "Caw! Muzan has revived!" Their eyes expanded, and Douma clutches to Akaza's sweatshirt's long sleeve. "Maybe we should wait until papa comes." The younger demon with pink hair turns to face his older sibling and looks into his tear-filled rainbow eyes. "We don't have time, Nii-chan! Do you smell blood?" The former upper moon two cringes as the smell of human blood enters his nostrils. Muzan is slaughtering the weaker slayers, and they are unable to stop him because they are significantly weaker than him. In a matter of seconds, he would eliminate the two, rendering their deaths pointless. They couldn't think of anything else to do but leave that area and find the other pillars, or perhaps Kokushibo himself. They rush inside the infinite castle's shifting walls in an effort to find a friendly face who can assist them. The sooner Muzan is over, the sooner the family can move on and maintain their close relationship. "Muzan has revived!! All pillars and demons must gather at once!!"

      It was a difficult sensation for the two demons: the feeling that they were only running around while Muzan healed himself in order to slaughter the Demon Slayer Corps and the demons who opposed him. Yes, the two defeated higher moons, but in comparison to what they faced as upper moons themselves, they were incredibly weak. They thought they weren't doing anything because others may still be dying at Muzan's hands, but that immediately changed when they found themselves standing next to Tanjiro, Giyuu, and Rengoku, who were right in front of Muzan Kibutsuji.

They all already know that merely cutting off his head won't be enough to kill him, especially Akaza and Douma, so the only thing they can think of doing is dragging him outside in the sunlight. However, they were trapped underground in a location with shifting doors and walls, as well as some rooms that included furniture like tables and shelves as well as other items like clothing and books. Others even looked to be on the walls while some were even on the ceiling. They couldn't bring the demon king to his death if they were in this odd underground structure. At least not them.

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