🖤25: ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ🖤

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      Tanjiro struggled to comprehend what was happening because it all happened so quickly, especially when he first heard Daki's screams and another demon who he didn't recognize tried to defend her. Even though the terrible expression in his father's eyes terrified him, he knew there had to be a good reason for it. Instead of attempting to stop him, he limped over to Akaza with the assistance of his two friends. He tugged on his cropped haori, almost too afraid to inquire as to Kokushibo's motivation for his violent behavior. However, after his older brother described everything word for word, he now thoroughly understood what it meant. Tanjiro knew he would be furious as well. Actually, he would be beyond furious. It was similar to the time they were on the Mugen Train and Tanjiro was powerless to stop Enmu from abducting Mabel in front of him despite his desperation. But now that his father is awake and he has another companion with him, he realizes he doesn't have to push himself as hard. At least, that's what Akaza is saying to him.

      Laying on his back, Tanjiro was gazing up at the night sky. He almost ignores the struggle taking place not too far from him as his bleeding eyes search the lovely glowing specks that flicker in the night. He is suddenly touched on the forehead, prompting him to look at two individuals he had never seen before. He wasn't sure if one of them resembled him almost identically or if the blood was blurring his vision. "Tanjiro." The elder one said, pulling his long hair away from the teen's face. "I am proud of you."  The young Kamado felt soothed by his voice, as though the two men themselves were covering him in warm blankets. His eyelids go heavy as he feels Yoriichi's palm brush against the boy's cheek. Tanjiro briefly closes his eyes before reopening them and focusing on the other male. The older Kamado gives him a sweet grin and rests a warm touch on the part of his forehead that is closest to him. He then exhales shakily in response to Tanjiro's disheveled appearance.

      Yoriichi rejects Tanjiro's attempt to stand up as he grunts softly. "Where's Mabel?" He questions the two men, sensing the abrupt dip in the air. The ambiance has a frightening vibe fluttering around, and it just causes Sumiyoshi to tense. He looks at his old friend, wishing that he is aware of Tanjiro's response. "She's with Tengen's wives near the wisteria house," he exhales a sigh of relief as the older Kamado wipes the blood from his eyes. Yoriichi stands up, looking at him. "Sumiyoshi." Without removing his hand, he stares up at the towering man with worry plastered on his face. "Take Tanjiro to the wisteria house; I need to stop Kokushibo." 

      Yoriichi knew why he was going so quickly; after all, he had freely told him everything about his twin brother. But the younger brother claims to have never before witnessed his older sibling being that enraged in his entire life, whether he was alive or not. The only thing he could see was Kokushibo kick Gyutaro through many buildings while burying his fingers within Daki's head, and it was a devastating sight. He does think that the two demons deserved it, but he never imagined that he would lose his cool so quickly. He is doing everything he can to protect his family. They are everything to him, thus his top concern is making sure they are secure. Who knows, maybe Kokushibo believed that he was crazy, but Yoriichi thinks that his brother wouldn't care. The words Daki uttered are probably still ringing in his ears, and the idea of losing his daughter to a new demon was a dreadful one. And to make matters worse, he had previously collaborated with the very demons he now wished to eliminate. That thought just fueled Kokushibo's rage, but it was rage directed at himself for making such a foolish decision with his life. He had the option of staying with his brother, his wife, and his kids, but he chose not to. He abandoned them for selfish motives.

      Kokushibo plants one foot on Daki's back and tangles his fingers in her long, white hair. She whimpers for him to spare her as he casts a sneer at her watery eyes. "Brother." the six-eyed demon looks up to see Yoriichi standing upright and high not far away. Kokushibo raises his hand and rips Daki's head off while gazing at him. Her body falls to the ground and she starts screaming in pain, but he doesn't observe the blood that has spilled all over his clothes. He captures Gyutaro, who attempts to poison the larger demon with his sickles, and slams him to the dirt before stomping on his skull, fully crushing his head into small flesh chunks. "Brother, you're done. Go back to your kids," Yoriichi says, lowering his brows and looking at Kokushibo with a sad expression in his maroon eyes. He flicks his six eyes down towards the two disintegrating demons on the floor before returning his gaze to the wisteria building. He finds it nice that he can't see it from where he is, but he can see the turmoil he has created. He already knows that the humans here were transported to safety, but the only thing he could see were the damaged houses that would take so long to reconstruct. Kokushibo shakily exhales. "Brother, did I... go too far?" He pauses, almost as if he doesn't want to hear Yoriichi's reply. 

      He smiles while shaking his head at his older twin. "No, it's okay." He sees Kokushibo's sorrowful eyes, which makes his heart ache.  The demon inhales loudly and unsteadily as he looks into his twin brother's eyes. "I want to go home." Yoriichi  walks past his brother, slipping his hand from his shoulder. "If that's what you wish,

"Then let's go home."


~Uzui had to take Zenitsu and Inosuke to the others.

~When everyone saw Sumiyoshi, everyone was so confused and thought that him and Tanjiro were brothers.

~~Insouke, on the other hand, tried to attack him because he thought that Sumiyoshi was Tanjiro's clone.

~Inosuke kept trying to leave to fight with Kokushibo, but Uzui tied him up and told Inosuke to worship him because he was better then him.

~~Sumiyosho didn't know what to do, so he just stayed with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, staring at them.

~Past Michikatsu and Yoriichi were there the entire time watching and they were terrified.

~Kokushibo got even more pissed when he smelled Tanjiro's blood.

~Akaza was still holding onto Nezuko. She cried when she remembered her dead family and then held onto him as if that was the last time that she'd see him.

~Akaza and Uzui stayed to help clean up and rebuild the place.

~A certain demon was watching the entire thing unfold.

~~They're disappointed because they know that they stand no chance against Kokushibo.

~In a building in a forest, there's a certain blond demon who is starting to feel emotions because of how much he misses Kokushibo, Akaza, and Mabel. 

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