🖤6: ᴜɴᴄʟᴇ ʏᴏʀɪɪᴄʜɪ🖤

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      Kokushibo recently informed Mabel that he had a task to do, thus he ended up leaving Akaza to look after her. She must admit that at first she was afraid, but he made an effort to be as kind as he could to prevent her from crying or running away. He thinks he's doing a good job, but he kind of wished she would talk more openly about her issues. He also admitted to her that he never pressured her to inform him. He understands what to say and what not to say because she is only a child. 

      She is currently sleeping on a futon bed with a pink candle burning near her head. In an effort to view the large letters enclosed by a tiny border, Akaza bends his body to the side. The word "strawberry shortcake" is written over the top in large red letters, and a little image of the cake is also there. His defenses was down when he took the first smell, which is to be expected given how pleasant and calming the perfume was. He stands up and creeps in her direction after observing her tangled long black hair. To keep her from waking up from her sound sleep, he takes his fingers and carefully untangles her hair. He smiles while keeping his gaze fixed on her gleaming, silky hair. He almost fully recognizes why Kokushibo gave him the responsibility of watching over his daughter, but he was also baffled. The two were neither close friends nor even familiar with each other. They never mingle with each other or complement one another. Akaza was the one who generally threw taunts at the upper moon one and threatened to murder him in the future, but Kokushibo dismissed him as if it were a dream that he would never fulfill.

      Now that he thinks about it, he was actually warmed by her peaceful expression. He chuckles softly when he detects a faint smile lingering on her face. The last knot in her black hair is untangled as he sits cross-legged, and then he braids it with a purple thin scrunchy he discovered peeking out of a little leather bag that is leaning up against the wall. His golden irises are locked on her face as he exhales, resting his chin in his palm and praying that she keeps having his sweet dreams.

      Given that the scene in front of her was as vivid as ever, she can't really tell if her dreams are pleasant or nightmarish. Naturally, this terrifies her a lot more than usual. While other people may be relieved to finally have clean vision, she isn't. She wishes to weep more than anything else, in fact. She slowly turns to face the darkened living space that she believes she has been inhabiting for the previous week. Whispering softly, she rises to her feet and keeps her eyes fixed on her familiar surroundings. Her gaze settles on a brilliant candle that she is all too familiar with because it was lit when she left her last home. It's the first candle that "Mr. Ghost" has ever ignited. She moves forward, dropping her lean frame to the ground as she looks intently at the twinkling flame in front of her. Despite the sun setting and the windows being open, she feels warm.

      "Are you okay, honey?" She turns abruptly to see a towering man who oddly resembles Kokushibo in shape. Under his maroon gaze, Mabel's legs start to tremble, and his look changes from one of serenity to one of slight heartbreak. His body, which had been leaning against the wall, is now knelt in front of her and is staring at her terrified face. She gets a pat on the head as he observes her countenance change from terror to mild anxiety. "I've seen that my brother has taken good care of you." The girl's bewildered face makes him smile. She inhales deeply and holds her tongue for fear of saying something inappropriate. "You look like him." He can tell that by the way she reacted to his chuckle, which made her feel as though she were floating in a tranquil sea of shimmering water. "I do, do I not?" He observes her as she approaches the tiny table to take the candle while sitting on his legs. She walks back to him while carrying the miniature glass jar in her arms. She turns to face him with her new eyes. "If you didn't know, your eyes aren't white anymore." 

      With her fingers splayed so that her eyes can be seen, she swiftly but softly smacks her palm on her face with her free hand. She holds her breath and looks up at the towering man with wide-eyed curiosity. "What colour?" Her hands start to shake again as her fear increases and she lets her curiosity get the better of her. She receives a faint smile from the long-haired man as he sighs and rests both of his hands on her cheeks. "They're maroon." He explains, only slightly tensing his hands, and wiping her eyes with his thumb as she begins to shed a few light tears. "Like yours?" His hands land in his lap as she tilts her head. Her face appears more straight when he tilts his head in the same direction as hers. "Yeah, just like mine." His brows droop, and a soft expression spreads across his face as his voice wanes. He flicks her black hair behind her back with his hand.

      Mabel exhales loudly and grinned broadly. "Are you Mr. Ghost?" She bounces while still sitting in front of the tall person, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. He nods and laughs at her immature behavior. "You caught me!" He exclaims with an equally broad smile as he watches her leap to her feet. "Daddy didn't believe me when I told him about him at first! I'm still not sure if he does." His hair is gently separated into strands by Mabel as she starts to braid it. He looks over at the kid as she approaches from behind and raises the side of his short bangs. "Does Mr. Ghost have a real name?" He replaces her hand beneath his bangs, enabling her to braid once again. She does, buries her fingers in his hair, and waits for a response. Each segment of his braid is fanned out by her. "Yes, Mr. Ghost does have a real name." She gasps once again, oblivious to the fact that his hair is slowly unraveling as a result of the lack of a hair tie. She springs to his side while holding on to his arm and making short, quick hops. "Tell me, tell me!" He lowers her body to the ground by putting his hands on her shoulders. She complies, but she won't take her beaming smile off her young, radiant face. He groans wearily. "Mr. Ghost's name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni."

      "You and I share a last name!" Mabel raises her hand and gestures toward his tender face. He inhales deeply and waits a few additional seconds before ultimately exhaling. "That's because your father is my twin brother." He doesn't bother attempting to disguise it when her maroon eyes begin to sparkle. His hand rests on her head. Her body abruptly becomes translucent, and Yoriichi's hand goes straight through her skull. She seems terrified. "Don't worry." She is drawn in by the adult's consolation. Mabel's breathing slows down after her brief anxiety attack. "You're waking up."

      When her eyes opened, she anticipated seeing Akaza's outline sitting next to her as he had been before, but her now-clear eyesight instead caught the image of not just Akaza but also her adopted father speaking softly to one another. She throws the blanket away from her little frame. "Papa, look at my eyes!" She approaches him quickly and envelops his towering frame in her arms. She stares up at the six-eyed creature, but she doesn't appear to be afraid. After briefly freezing, he carefully knelt down next to her. "I met him, too!" He appears to struggle to get the words out of his lips, but eventually he manages. "Who?"

"Uncle Yoriichi!"


~Akaza sees Mabel as a little sister

~Yoriichi nicknamed Mabel 'Honey' because honey is one of her favorite foods

~~He noticed Kokushibo buying (stealing) honey flavored sweets for her

~Mabel's favorite cakes are 'Strawberry Shortcake,' 'Brown Sugar Cake,' and 'Carrot Cake.'

~Yoriichi wishes that Mabel was his daughter instead of his niece 

~Yoriichi was the one who gave Mabel her vision. That's why she shares the same eye color as him

~~Thank Uncle Yoriichi❤

Note: This was kind of rushed. Sorry about that T_T

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