🖤10: ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀs 🖤

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      A dense blanket of clouds has now obstruct the sun, which was not shining very high in the sky. Tanjiro looks over the vast village that is now heavily decked out for Christmas. The high-up lights are switched out, and the snow is lightly swaying in the air till it reaches the already-covered earth. He begins to walk more fluidly and almost forgets that he left the box Nezuko stays in at his allegedly new house. He is alone as he explores, feeling his breath catch as more individuals leave their homes and converse with one another while carrying what he assumes are ingredients for the festival. 

      "Tanjiro!" The mentioned boy freezes in place, not expecting to find anyone he knows present. He twists around to reveal two recognizable pillars. "Tanjiro!" Mitsuri leaps enthusiastically and shouts while raising her arms in the air. She jogs up to the teenager while wearing a broad smile, with Muichiro right behind her. The girl with the green and pink hair comes to a stop in front of the Kamado boy, her head slanted. "What are you doing here?" Despite her curiosity, she seemed pleased to see the fifteen-year-old boy. He was able to identify her by the scent that emanated from her. Tanjiro beams at the unexpected encounters. "I came here yesterday on a mission and ended up staying the night here!" Facing both the bored-looking guy and the happy-looking female with his entire body, he informs them. "How about you two?" When the scent of grief emanates from her, he stops removing the snow that had been gently accumulating on his hair. "A girl was kidnapped here! A tiny child was taken hostage by a demon!" She cries out, her emerald eyes on the verge of tears.

      Tanjiro's eyes flinch slightly as he freezes. They're chatting about Mabel. He recalls asking the upper moon how he came to locate her, and he gave an explanation before leaving. He truly wants to inform them, but if they find out that he stayed with the most powerful demon underneath Muzan, he will be even worse off. Tanjiro's haori are held together by Mitsuri's fingers wrapped around either side. "Have you heard of a young girl named Mabel Tsugikuni?" She asks with a loud voice and a hint of panic. "The small number of people who actually knew her name overheard her tell someone else!" she hopes as she glances into his maroon eyes. When she finally lets go of him, she wipes her tears away with her palms. Tanjiro sighs and brushes the snow from his hair once more. "I was the one she told her name to." He answers casually, maintaining his composure while their expressions change to one of shock. "But she looked so happy." He acknowledges, recalling her smile from when they had first met the previous day. Muichiro furrows his brows and seems as though he has no idea what he is talking about. "What do you mean by 'happy'?"

      "She was smiling and didn't smell of fear." Mitsuri exhales as he continues to speak, her eyes displaying concern. "Was she with anyone!?" She clings to him once more, screaming in front of his face while unaware to the onlookers in the village. He shakes his head, hesitant to even move away out of a tiny concern that his behavior could raise some red flags. "No, she bumped into me and fell. Her kimono got dirty, so I bought a new one for her." He spoke truthfully, remembering the moment when he gave her the kimono with a moon pattern and her astonishment when she discovered it. 

      Snow starts to fall more heavily than it did earlier. The stands that were slowly setting up for the night are difficult to see, as are the pathways. "Tanjiro." The boy almost jumps when a sudden, deep voice breaks their talk since he recognizes the voice's owner. Kokushibo is immediately visible to him, yet he has a typical human face. He used to have four extra eyes, but now he only has his two regular eyes. In contrast to the red sclera he had an hour before, his current one is white. With a miniature Nezuko perched on his shoulder and Mabel brushing his hair, he carefully approaches the trio. As soon as Mitsuri's beautiful eyes catch sight of the man holding the girl in his arms, she lets out a startled shriek. "That's Mabel!" Kokushibo wrinkles his brow and wonders how the person learned the name of his daughter. "It's you!" She is furious and throws a finger of accusation at the disguised demon. "You kidnapped her, didn't you?!" Kokushibo sighs as he finally recognizes her perspective. Mabel looks at the two strangers who are standing in front of her older brother as she drops his hair. The demonic being bends his head. "Kidnap? I saved her." Not anticipating such a response, Mitsuri slightly lowers her arm. "If she had been... left there any longer, she would... have died."

      With a distrustful stare, Muichiro shifts his attention to Tanjiro. "How does he know you?" His face is being brushed by the wind, and the snow is wiping his lashes and covering it in tiny, lovely flakes. He signals the demon with his hand. "I took her home after I purchased Mabel a kimono."

      "Nii-chan!" Mabel drops the braid and extends her arms to the male teen. Kokushibo approaches Tanjiro calmly and offers him the girl while maintaining a peaceful attitude. His neck is encircled by the five-year-arms old's as she chuckles. Nezuko lunges from the demon's shoulder and onto Tanjiro's while puffing smoke out of her nose. Muichiro side-eyes Kokushibo, feeling his presence familiar until it finally registers in his thoughts. "You're a demon." The mist pillar and Mitsuri both put their hands on their swords, but Tanjiro is guardedly positioned in front of him. "Move." Muichiro cautiously draws his sword as his voice carries a poisonous stench. Mabel shudders at their ominous glances in her father's direction, but he appears unconcerned. Mabel starts to whimper and reaches for her father to re-hug her. He does, and from behind her ear, he adjusts her long front strands. Kokushibo shifts his focus to the pair of pillars. "I have no interest... in devouring or killing you." He approaches Tanjiro from behind and places his palm on his head, making him smile. "However, if I go... with you, we'll have to wait... till after the festival." Mitsuri lowers her guard and stows her sword, but Muichiro won't do the same with his.

"After all, It's a... special day for Mabel."


~Yoriichi found Muichiro somewhat familiar 

~~Yet he still wanted to slap him for scaring Mabel

~Kokushibo has a soft spot for all children

~Tanjiro almost called Kokushibo 'dad', but didn't want to make things awkward

~~Kokushibo would've actually been happy about this

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