🖤39: ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ🖤

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      Seeing Mabel's brother made her most delighted, particularly since she now knew she isn't alone where she may be. Despite being young, she was quick to recognize her predicament, especially since her brother was present. However, what about her uncle and father? They were alongside her the last time, in fact, there were two of her uncle's and father's, but what about now? Last time, her brother wasn't present, but he just casually showed up. Mabel can't be stunned when she finds the two are the same person, and Yoriichi is in the same boat. This Yoriichi next to her, playing with her hair, isn't her genuine Yoriichi. She could now understand his earlier behavior; when he froze when she called his name, it was because he had no remembrance of her at all. The last time she left with her uncle and father, nothing was affected by her presence because time had already reversed and returned to normal. It doesn't sound possible, unless it's blood demon art. A demon is the one who would do all of this to Mabel, and she and the others only wish they knew who it was.

      The uniform and sword that were tethered to his side attracted Mabel's attention. He was dead, and the only way he can touch and even converse to others is if he ignited their subconscious candle, unless that's what he does to slay demons. She considered it to be a fantastic idea and wouldn't be surprised if her uncle did the same. Although they won't remember, her brother sits in front of them and watches for their response after telling them what will happen in the future. Yoriichi pulls Mabel's long, black hair into a ponytail like his own while the other Sumiyoshi analyzes this demon-slaying version of himself, causing the latter to stutter.

      Sumiyoshi chuckles as he stands up and stretches his arms in the air before bending down to pick up Mabel. "Well, a demon is trying to send us home; have a wonderful day today!" The Kamado's face broke into a kind, compassionate grin that was far more consoling than previously. The extent of his changes over time is somewhat shocking, but not to Mabel. She learns from experience that being around plenty of people will influence you.

      Mabel wonders why she suddenly feels a peculiar sensation pouring over her as Sumiyoshi lifts her as he moves along unusually vacant hallways in the butterfly estate. Someone is here, she knows. Is that the cause of the hallways' extreme emptiness? Even Sumiyoshi seems uneasy and tense right now. The elder Kamado stops walking when a door beside him in the dimly lit hallway opens. He opens the door gently while gazing at the adult and restraining himself from glaring. "Get in here, she's waiting." His voice is so menacing that it makes Mabel shudder. Who is waiting? Is this the off-putting sense Mabel had about the individual in this room? Mabel becomes more anxious since it seems like there are many people there. Before Sumiyoshi enters the room, Tanjiro can be seen glaring ferociously at the wall on the other side of the room. Nezuko has slits in her eyes, and sweat droplets fall down her skin. It was clear that she was restraining herself, but no one else seemed to be focusing much on her besides the other person she senses. Sumiyoshi places Mabel on the ground so she may walk on her own, and she does so, standing near Giyuu and clutching his mismatched haori.

      A lady, a demon to be more precise, is there, standing on the opposite side of the room. Her long, black hair clings to her skin since it appears to be moist from the recent light rain that started outside. Mabel looks over her face features and notices something she never intended to discover. Her facial structures resemble Mabel's. Her maroon eyes narrow as she notices a tiny pink cherry blossom hairpin in her grasp. She grips the hairpin firmly as her eyes begin to well up with tears. Her head snaps up, her dark eyes widen, and she fixes her focus on the five-year-old child. Kokushibo stands behind her and glares at the smaller woman. She inhales deeply before lunging forward and extending out to the girl, but Douma lifts her up and flees in the other direction towards Akaza. She uses the long sleeve of her crimson kimono to dab away her tears. She takes a step back in shaky motion and visibly twitches her fingers before turning to face the six-eyed demon. "You've taken exceptionally good care of Mabel,"

"but I need my daughter right now."


~Mabel's subconscious traveling through time was a complete accident for both the last time and this time as well.

~~However, the demon who did this was tired of waiting and wanted to talk to her as family. 

~(Past) Yoriichi almost cried when Mabel left

~The cherry blossom hairpin that the demon was holding was the same that she saw at the winter festival in chapter 11.

~Muzan ordered the three new upper moons to find Mabel and bring her back to him alive, but one of them wants to kill her.

~Mabel thinks a boy is cute!

~~She's too scared to tell her dad, though...

~~~Can you guess who he is?

~Muichiro dressed up as a woman once and walked around the estate.

~~Sanemi questioned who he was without actually knowing that it was Muichiro

~~~Now everyone makes fun of him

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