🖤34: ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ 🖤

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      It took a little longer for Douma to join the rest of his growing family, but he's here and doesn't bother glancing up as Akaza drapes his larger form in a blanket. When he initially came, he despised their terrified faces and saw that Mabel was paler than he remembered. She was asleep, with light tears streaming from her firmly sealed eyelids, and her face appeared peaceful, as if everything was alright. He knew better than to presume, but he also didn't want to question what had occurred because Kokushino warned him that a hashira meeting was most probable. In all truthfulness, he doesn't want to even look at the pillars since he knows they won't welcome him willingly.

      He questions why he was so warmly welcomed by these two pillars. They welcomed him as though they already knew everything about him, and all they had to do was wait for him to appear. They appeared to be informed that he formerly consumed humans, much like almost every other demon in existence, but they didn't seem to care. The first person to see him together was Mitsuri. His vivid memory includes her big smile as she squealed and slammed against his taller self, appearing almost eager for a hug. "Is that you, Douma? It's amazing to finally meet you!" That was the first thing she or anybody else spoke to him after he left his house. He was still unfamiliar with normal emotions, but he was glad to have the opportunity to be among the others, who were now his family. the people who welcomed him with open arms and compassion.

      In the corner of his eye, he notices Akaza slouching next to him, his elbows resting on his knees and his back arched. His expression was one of fear and depression, and if it had anything to do with Mabel, he would be terrified as well. Akaza sighs with exhaustion and rests his head on the blonde's shoulder. Douma instantly placed his head on top of his. "Akaza." His speech is unsteady, and he appears to be on the point of tears. The pink-haired demon hums to indicate that upper moon two should continue. "I feel like life is working against me." He begins, and Akaza repositions his head on the taller demon's shoulder to gaze into his rainbow eyes. "I remember my human life and I wish I didn't." His body tenses against the other demon's pink hair, prompting Akaza to exhale. Douma glances at his new brother as he gently twists his head. "My mom killed my dad and then committed suicide." He eventually concedes, his eyes starting to well up with tears. His hands on his lap become tense. "I was so young. All I cared about was that they didn't have to make the place so filthy."

      When they first met all those years ago, he was aware of Douma's eccentric personality, but he was ignorant that all of his tears and smiles were fake. Additionally, he had a dreadful history. And he was still so young? If he genuinely felt his feelings, what would happen? What would be different? "Douma." Akaza exhales, allowing his voice to be calm and soothing. Douma turns his head to gaze at him, noticing his golden eyes watching ahead of them, where he sees Kokushibo with a stressed expression talking to some kakushi. "You're not alone anymore." He mutters and lifts his head to stare into his older brother's rainbow-colored eyes. The blond gradually turns his attention to his lap while extending his fingers. "Not alone?" He talks slowly, unsure what to think. He glances back up at the demon with the pink hair, a slight grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah, not alone!"


~Akaza went from hating Douma to loving him more then anything in the world

~~Akaza calls Douma 'nii-can.'

~Mitsuri braided Nezuko, Kokushibo, Yoriichi, Muichiro, and Douma's hair like her's

~~Genya had a braid too

~~~Same for Sumiyoshi

~Douma is pretty good at singing

~~Akaza, Douma, and Zenitsu will do duets with Nezuko and Mabel

~One time, Muichiro saw a man with yellow and orange teeth, so he ran in the closest store, bought a toothbrush and toothpaste, stood in front of him, and started throwing weak looking punches while holding the toothpaste in one hand and the toothbrush in the other

~Akaza kinda wants to grow his hair out

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