🖤5: ᴜɴᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs🖤

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      Mabel carefully navigates the wall with her hands as she makes her route to the person she believes to be friendly enough. Saying that she has been afraid would be an understatement because she took a while to notice his fleeting disappearances throughout the course of the three nights that she has been with him. She was actually extremely frightened. She was afraid Kokushibo would abandon her to die, just like her sperm donor had. She is unsure, though, if she should even be thinking that after what he has done for her. He would practically hourly check to see if she was alright. Even though he risks getting into trouble by venturing out into populated areas, he buys her additional food and tiny snacks that he knows she will like. The sole difference between Muzan and the other demons who have noticed Kokushibo's distinctive conduct is that Muzan actually understands why. Sometimes after midnight, he would stroll with her in his arms along the dirt path while browsing the stores to see if anything caught his eye.

      "Mabel." Inching closer to the five-year-old girl, the six-eyed demon moves. He sees her leaving the main living area while carrying a small brown candle in her hands. She stops dead in her tracks, trying her best to look up at the enormous figure while faintly making out the outline of his long, spiked hair. "Would you feel comfortable... if I left you here... for a little while?" He crouches on one knee and places his left elbow on it. His eyes widen as he notices her trembling hands and her sweat-smeared, glistening face. His eyes fall a little bit when fear appears on her face. Not wishing to see her in such a state, he sighs in distress. "Mabel, please. I'll only be gone for... about an hour at least." He picks her up by encircling her petite figure in his arms and putting his hand on the back of her head. She looks up at his six eyes, eventually catching a glimpse of their faint outlines.

      "Kokushibo-dono!" Mabel yelps in response to a voice in the distance, pressing her face against her new guardian's chest. The upper moon groans, a little irritated. "What's taking you so long, Kokushibo-dono?" Two males who Kokushibo is all too familiar with are revealed when the front door glides wide before he has a chance to act toward his new guests.

      A tall blonde exhales loudly as his rainbow eyes fall on Mabel, who is clinging tenaciously to the demon with dark hair. She buries her face in his clothing once more as she senses the unsettling energy emanating from the strangers who are now in the living room. The man almost grabs the girl from Kokushibo's arms, but he backs off while glaring murderously. The man doesn't waver, though. "You're being unfair, Kokushibo-dono! Please share your snack with Akaza-dono and I!" The demon with pink hair scoffs and moves next to the taller demon. He barely manages to shudder under his six eyes as he tries to avoid the menacing look. "I'm not eating that kid." He directs his golden gaze at the nearby child's clouded white eyes. The upper moon three points at the terrified young girl who is unfamiliar with her with an uplifted hand. "Is she blind?"

      He doesn't need an explanation to understand that she is. He merely asked the question in an effort to perhaps silence the blonde demon, and so far it seems to be working, but he kind of wanted to divert his attention from the child. He was aware that the shorter demon almost exclusively preyed on men while he was known for solely devouring women. He'd be lying, though, if he said he wasn't interested in the kid. She emits a perfume that is unlike any other scent a normal human can have. Or maybe she isn't from this area. Akaza turns his attention away from the girl and toward the six yellow eyes of the most powerful demon there. "Is she a foreigner?"

      Kokushibo isn't certain, but he thinks she isn't. She has impeccable Japanese and even knows more advanced vocabulary that would be beyond the understanding of most children. She might not be Japanese, but she was probably born there. In other words, she would not be considered a foreigner. "I have doubts." He concedes to the two demons that have practically broken into his house. Kokushibo's bangs are pulled by Mabel. "Mommy and Daddy moved here before I was born." She informs them before burying her face once more in the garments of the upper moon. She feels a small touch on her hair and grips his purple clothing even more tightly. Akaza sighs, a little taken aback that Kokushibo didn't pull back. "In other words, even if she isn't a foreigner, her parents are." Douma gasps and extends his arms to attempt to grasp Mabel once again, but Akaza smashes his jaw off before he can even touch her. "Why are you two so mean?"

The upper moon two turns to face Kokushibo again, but his grin disappears at the expression on his face. Both men were aware of his deception. "Douma." His tone is icy and threatening. His six eyes stare at the blonde from below.

"Don't touch my daughter."


~Yoriichi wanted to kick Douma, but his foot went right through him

~Mabel is American

~Yoriichi fainted when Kokushibo said that she was his daughter

~Akaza became Mabel's bodyguard

 ~~Mabel said that it was Mr. Ghost's idea

~Kokushibo finally believes Mabel about Yoriichi, but no one knows his name because  Yoriichi never told Mabel

~~He will though 

~Most of the things that Kokushibo buys aren't even bought, they're stolen

~~He only buys her stuff when she's actually with him

~The brown candle that she was holding was a 'Hot Cocoa' candle. It was written in her mom's journal that her favorite drinks were hot cocoa and eggnog. Yoriichi hoped that it was Mabel's favorite too

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