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Her neck is next to his blade, which is slightly trembling. His six eyes are fixed on the flesh he was about to tear from her. No matter how hard he tries to force himself into the frantic notion of her luscious blood, his body won't move. His hold on the handle becomes more firm as his shocked gaze changes to one of rage. He is furious. not at her, but instead at himself. How was it possible for him to be so affected by the words that shot out of her mouth? This kid has never met him before, and she doesn't even resemble anybody he knows. "Daddy? Is that you?" She speaks with trembling, dread, and grief in her words. Does she fear her father?

As he expands his hand and extends his arm away from the child, Kokushibo purposely allows the blade to strike the hard, cold floor. He tensed his body as a burning sensation erupted in his chest as a result of her clearly flinching in response to the noise. He is incapable of complete the task. He is aware that Muzan will be enraged beyond belief if he loses this chance to get stronger, but he just can't. Even now, he is at a loss for words when it comes to his feelings for this girl. However, he can't place why this sensation is familiar to him.

Even if he can, he still has trouble understanding why he is the way he is. She is only a little child who will only stand in his way. She will disrupt his training and missions, so why would he not harm her? Why, when he clearly intended to kill her, did he put down his sword? He wanted to remove her head from her body and watch a pool of blood form, but he is unable to do it. Her puzzled look doesn't help matters either.

He gets down to a kneeling position in front of her trembling, little figure, and his legs start to tremble. She jerks away from his startling contact as his broad hands wrap around her body. He holds her close in his arms as he rubs small circles on her back while seeing her eyes slowly close from exhaustion. "I thought Daddy hated me." He is taken aback by her words, which cause him to cease breathing. It's the type of situation where she assumes Kokushibo is her biological father, but it appears that he hasn't been around recently. The house is filthy and a disaster, indicating that he is either lazy or hasn't been in the residence for more than a week. He became enraged at the idea of leaving this girl without food for such a long period of time.

"I'm not your father." The six eyed demon freely acknowledges, not wishing to keep his identity a secret from the underweight woman. He fully anticipated that her comment would lead her to cry, but instead, she straightens her arms and turns to face the source of the deep voice. "Do you know where Daddy is?" He has no answer to this question. He doesn't want to know the answer to that question. His little child could be suffering in the subzero temperatures while he is out drinking and selling his life for alcohol. He's witnessed it firsthand. Even though he doesn't want to remain, he is not going to leave her to perish in this place. He's still baffled as to why he's acting in this way, though.

"I don't." Her brows droop, and little tear drops glisten in the light of a candle that glows on a table that Kokushibo had never noticed before. "How long... has your father... been gone?" The golden question is eventually posed to her, but he nearly doesn't think about the response. He simply wants to leave in the same way he came in. He is aware that a girl so young did not deserve this. But if that's the case, why did he attempt to murder her? Why did he show no concern for her before she said that word? Before then, he wanted her dead and felt nothing. Have people always felt this way?

"I'm not very good at counting, but I think it was five days." It's been five fucking days since she was left alone. It appears as though he knew she had rare blood and left her here on purpose for her to perish. It seems as though he had never desired her in the first place and that she was only a mistake. He wants to kill him

He prepares himself mentally for the things he will need for her later as he turns his towering frame toward his front door. "Where are we going, mister?" When the wind starts to whip snow in their faces, his grip on her becomes tighter. He exhales, collecting the little clouds-like specks that flutter above her head. She's trying to stay warm in his clothes by burying her face in his chest.

"We're going home."



~Yoriichi was the one who lit the candle

~The candle was a scented candle that had no cover on it. Before Yoriichi lit it, he smelled it and it immediately reminded him of his childhood

~Yoriichi couldn't hide his smile when Kokushibo hugged her.

Yoriichi wanted to kill her dad, too (protective uncle activated)


Note: The secrets and extras will either be stated later on in the book or not at all.

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