🖤15: sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ's ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟᴇᴅ🖤

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      Why is Yoriichi in this situation? He anticipated a relaxing period before he got on the train when he discovered his brother and niece sleeping there. That rapidly changed as he saw someone typing ropes around Tanjiro, his two friends, and the flame pillar. He was concerned as to why they had left Kokushibo out, but they didn't bother when Yoriichi observed that his older twin was no longer covering his eyes. They were afraid, therefore it makes sense why they didn't do him. His gaze is drawn to Nezuko's slightly trembling box, as he witnesses the door suddenly swing open and her collapse on the floor. She looks up and begins to shriek with joy as she sees Yoriichi. He crouchs down near her level. "Do you know what happened here?" She looks around her before spotting the rope fastened around her brother's wrist. He sighs, seeing her lack of response as a rejection, then stands up and turns to face his niece. He lowers his head once more. "Nezuko." She raises her eyes and meets his intense gaze in the air. "Is it correct that I can rely on you to guarantee that nothing too serious happens?" She nods, her resolute eyes sparkling.

      And he believes her. When he opens his eyes after closing them, the environment has changed exactly as he had hoped. He is surrounded by nothing but a pitch-black abyss, but his body is still glowing. His brother, who is standing nearby and looking astonished and bewildered, is in front of him. "Brother?" His twin looks into his deep purple eyes, causing his hands to start shaking. "This is not a dream." Yoriichi corrects him, trying not to ruin his mood. "There are certain things I need to speak about with you before I take you inside Mabel's mind."  Even when Kokushibo's eyelids are somewhat somewhat close, his demeanor is still disturbed. "What are you talking about?" Yoriichi presents his brother with a heavy brown leather journal. Despite the absence of a cover, the thick pages make it obvious that the book is filled.

      "I examined Mabel's home when you first found her, and I uncovered this journal. It was allegedly written by her deceased mother." Kokushibo picks up the book and opens it to the first page. He skims the text, which mentions Mabel's birth and how joyful the mother appeared to be. However, he observed some strange phrasing on the page. "Are you certain that it was her mother?" When he stares back at his maroon eyes, he notices that his earlier serious appearance has changed to one of sympathy. "When I first began reading it, I didn't really give it much thought, but as I read more, the more skeptical I became."  Yoriichi replies as he uses his index finger to scratch his cheek. He stretches out his hand and removes the book from his older brother's face. Kokushibo glances up once more and notices his sinking gaze. "We don't have the patience to read it right now; we have to get going." The demon shuts the book and extends it for his sibling to take, but he shrugs and instructs him to keep it instead.

      "How are we expected to travel in Mabel's subconscious?" Kokushibo crosses his arms. Yoriichi grinned and reached out to meet his twin. "Take my hand, and then close your eyes. I'll do the work." The six-eyed demon looks down at his brother's hand nervously. He sighs, but he still holds him.

      Kokushibo, however, had no idea that the air immediately around him had become warm and slightly breezy. When he first opens his eyes, he sees his brother smiling at him, but he soon shifts his attention when he hears the gentle rustling of the trees behind him. He unintentionally pulls away as he opens his palm and scans the area. When they hear a girl sobbing, both brothers become paralyzed. It belongs to Mabel. Yoriicho follows closely behind Kokushibo as he runs up the trees while gritting his teeth. "Brother, please don't act recklessly!" His remarks are ignored as he comes to a halt behind him, nearly colliding with his back. On the other hand, Kokushibo appears behind his daughter, gazing at her recognizable dark hair. He doesn't pay attention to the two men as they move away from him. Mabel raises an eyebrow at Kokushibo before grinning broadly. "Daddy!" He bends down and picks her up in his arms, cradling her. "Am I also dreaming about you?" Yoriichi leaps from the tree and approaches the tiny gathering. He glanced briefly over the two younger men before turning to face his niece. 

      He had to confess that he was hurried for a few reasons. He is aware that there is problems in the real world as a result of a demon hiding there, but there was nothing he could do. Additionally, he knows that Mabel is unrelated to that demon's Blood Demon Art, but he also understands how she came to be at this location. Yoriichi casts a quick peek at his brother's book. When he first came across that notebook, he initially assumed it was similar to a bullet journal, with monthly check-ins and writing interests. But as he read, it became more of a diary. He discovered some information that, given Mabel's position, would endanger her life. Because of her early age and the fact that she was innately curious and adventurous, he was unable to reveal that to her. After all, that is how she first encountered Tanjiro and Nezuko.

      He didn't want to sit at a table with his and his brother's younger selves, but now that Kokushibo had deliberately exposed himself for the benefit of his daughter, he had nowhere else to go. Kokushibo actually seems more composed than Yoriichi, which their younger selves have undoubtedly noted. Usually, things went either the opposite way around or there was no cause for concern. So he just sits there, combing through Mabel's matted hair and occasionally glancing at his demon brother, who was reading through the fairly hefty journal. Yes, it was a lot, but it was worthwhile, which is why Kokushibo is collaborating in addition to the fact that he genuinely loves him. 

      "Yoriichi." Kokushibo fixes his gaze on his twin while oblivious to the anxious looks of their younger selves who are observing everything they do. The said man notices his brother's keen attention and glances up. "Her mother didn't write this journal, did she?" Yoriichi looks pitiful as Kokushibo finally began comprehending what he was reading. "No." He turns his head away once more, gazing at his niece's hair and remaining motionless while she gently naps in his lap. The older twin scoffs, covering his extra four eyes. "I don't have time to read any further. My children are in danger." He hurls the book on the table and displays a visibly furious attitude. "What am I missing?" Yoriichi sighs and gently turns to look at Kokushibo, his brows slightly drooped in sadness. "Do you recall hearing about Mabel's mother, who died when she was a baby?" Slowly nodding, the older brother remembers the documents that were discussed based on Mable's family. "It wasn't her mother-

It was her aunt."


~Mabel isn't inside of the train anymore, she's on top of it

~~Enmu had the audacity to kidnap her, now Tanjiro is pissed

~Both younger Yoriichi and Michikatsu wouldn't stop sweating during their conversation. 

~Tanjiro and Inosuke have already woken up

~Nezuko stays close to sleeping Kokushibo. No matter how hard she tries, he won't wake up. 

~Nezuko was crying and fighting at the same time because she couldn't keep Mabel with Kokushibo. 

~Enmu is trying to take Mabel to Muzan. Not because Muzan told him to, but because his Blood Demon Art isn't doing anything to her. He thought that Muzan would be proud of him for bringing her to him. 

~Kokushibo read over documents about Mabel's dead mother (aunt) when he was staying at the butterfly estate

~~It said that she died when Mabel was seven months old

~~~He found it strange that the year of her mother's (aunt's) birth was unknown

~Author-chan was supposed to be doing school work, but she watched tiktok cooking videos instead and now she's hungry.

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