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SOCIOLOGY, THE STUDY OF THE development, structure, and functioning of human society. In layman's terms — the study of social problems.

This specific major gave me the ability to analyse social phenomena from different perspectives.

The basic premise of sociology is that human behaviour is largely shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within those groups.

The main focus of sociology is the group not the individual.

Initially I only chose this major because my career path required it — the options were either public relations or criminology. However, after the first year it certainly grew on me.

I didn't love it but it was manageable.

There was also an added bonus — it gave me a deeper understanding of how easy it was to become influenced by the people you surrounded yourself with.

You picked up on other people's habits involuntarily. Whether those habits were good or bad. It was inevitable.

My best friend, Vanessa and I were seated in the last row of the large lecture hall. We preferred maintaining a low profile during the three years that we've been at this institution.

Don't get me wrong. We could easily have answered most of the questions that our lecturers asked but we didn't want to participate in those kinds of group activities due to social anxiety.

Speaking of lecturers, we realised that our professor — Mrs Clark completed her last day of service at our institution on Friday. Our class didn't have any lessons so we never got the opportunity to bid our goodbyes to her.

It was sudden and we never knew she had any intentions of teaching elsewhere. She was without a doubt, one of the best professors I've ever encountered.

We didn't know who would replace her but if I listened to my intuition was telling me the new arrival wouldn't even be able to compare.

My eyes were fixated on the ivory coloured clock on the wall and I watched as the second hand ticked away. Our lesson started ten minutes ago and the new professor still hadn't pitched.

"I don't know anything about the replacement but what I do know, is that they clearly lack punctuality." I said aloud. Vanessa slowly turned her head in my direction and a few students in the front row snickered.

With a nod to show her agreement and a soft chuckle, Vanessa said. "Amen to that. Look, I understand that it's their first day and all but this is unacceptable behaviour."

Clark definitely heavily influenced us because we sounded exactly like her. At least we knew she'd be proud though.

"I hope this person doesn't expect us to be on time when they're not setting a very good example." We burst out into a fit of laughter and the students in front of us turned around to add their commentary.

Before Vanessa even had the opportunity to respond to my statement the door opened and closed with a loud thud. Everyone in the lecture hall paid close attention to the man walking towards the dark oak and gold podium situated in front of the room.

He exuded power, dominance — his entire demeanour demanded your attention and that's why any sounds of chatter were now completely gone.

The silence was almost deafening. Had I even a sliver of boldness or audaciousness, I would've said something to break the ice because the room was being suffocated with thick clouds of tension.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now