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MY COCK WAS COATED WITH HER AROUSAL AND THE feeling of being inside of her just for a few seconds turned me into a madman. She was absolutely fucking soaked, drenched actually. I could see the wetness smeared in between her thighs and all over her pussy.

I got into position, spreading her legs wide open for me and lowered my head between them. I watched her chest rising and falling, her head tossed back against the pillow.

I breathed out slowly and her back arched off the bed. "I really am going to ruin you amore." I murmured, flattening my tongue and licking all the way from her drenched hole to her throbbing clit.

A loud breathy moan fell from her lips and she gripped the sheets. "Sergio." Her legs trembled slightly, the sight and sounds she made going straight to my dick.

"You taste so fucking good, so sweet." I continued my licking and sucking, alternating between the two. She was panting heavily, moans and whimpers falling from her swollen lips.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs, pulling her closer and ensuring she couldn't move. "Oh fuck." She tangled her fingers into my hair, tugging on the roots before trying to push me away.

She was getting wetter with each passing second, dripping onto the sheets. I could feel her trying to move backward but my hold on her was relentless. I stopped my tongue action for a brief moment and looked up at her.

"Trying to run?" I raised an eyebrow. She look down at me with those sultry eyes and I swear to God I almost lost all of my bearings. "Stay still and take it."

I wasted no time, diving back in and feasting on her clit. Licking, nibbling, slurping, kissing. I used my tongue in various ways, wanting her to orgasm for me. "It's too much." She tried pushing me away again.

I held her tighter, my biceps flexing against her thighs. "Sergio, please." Her moans had gotten louder, needier and I was desperate at this point. Wanting nothing more than to make her cum so that I could fuck her after.

"Cum in my mouth." I said roughly, watching her shake her head. "Cum in my fucking mouth Aaliyah." I said before inserting my tongue into her hole, moving it back and forth.

She gasped for air, her pussy clenching around my tongue. "Holy shit." She whined, now humping her against my face. I grunted in satisfaction, the action turning me on more than it should have.

Then she screamed but quickly covered her mouth and came on my tongue. She squeezed her thighs together, crushing my skull in the process. I didn't stop licking her, feeling blood rushing directly to my cock at the taste of her arousal.

I pulled away, releasing my grip on her and licked my lips. "Fuck, I can't wait for you to cum on my cock just like that." She panted, looking at me with glazed eyes.

Using both hands I caressed her body, moving my palms and fingertips over every single inch of her. I cupped her breasts, squeezing them. "Do you always have to be so filthy?" She asked breathlessly.

"You have no idea."

I bent down, kissing her stomach and trailing a wet path upward. I sucked on each nipple, biting down on them softly. Her gasps only added fuel to the fire and the feeling of her nails digging into my shoulders sent me into a spiral.

When my lips were against her neck, I lined my cock up at her entrance again — slowly sinking into her. We moaned simultaneously as she wrapped her arms around me. "God fucking damn." I groaned. "You're soaked baby."

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now