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MY THOUGHTS CONSISTED OF WHAT transpired between the professor and I on Friday. Don't get me wrong — I was an advocate for being brutally honest with every person I interacted with but sometimes I was too honest.

Images of Sergio pulling my chair closer to him, whispering in my ear and the boner that strained against his slacks flashed through my mind. The moment that replayed over and over in my head like a broken record was when I bit down on his earlobe.

I don't know what I was thinking, hell I don't even know if I was thinking because I acted on pure impulsivity.

I'll never forget the rush of adrenaline that flowed through my veins or how my body temperature had risen when he was in close proximity. The emotions I felt was something I couldn't decipher and quite frankly I didn't know what to make of them.

"God." I whispered to myself as I made my way towards professor Leone's classroom. Vanessa had to prep for an upcoming chemistry test so that meant I was alone today.

Of course she had to leave me to my own devices just when I needed her the most. I was in need of her company and moral support.

Upon entering the lecture hall I noticed that our professor wasn't here yet and there was only a handful of students present.

Before following my usual routine and quickly making my way to back row to bury myself in the work I needed to complete, I removed the assignments from my little black bag and placed it on Mr Leone's desk.

My name was printed on the front of it in bold Italics, that way he wouldn't miss it. After my detour I hurriedly sped walk to my desk and took this opportunity to finish another assignment for one of my many other classes.

Due to the fact that I was so engrossed in my notes I hadn't noticed someone occupying the seat next to me. "Do you always frown when you're busy studying?" The stranger asked as I turned to look at him.

Normal people would smile but I only glanced at him, taking in his appearance. He had ash blonde hair that was ruffled and wore a plain white tee with faded jeans.

His eyes were dark blue and he had full beard. The man was handsome I'd give him that but he wasn't my type.

wasn't your type or wasn't the professor?

The subconscious mind always amazed me. "I frown because I'm not really fond of university but I'm here because I need to attain my degree so to answer your question — yes." The man laughed at my answer and held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Matthew by the way. What's your name?" I placed my hand in his and it's like the heavens always worked against me because I could feel an intense gaze permeating in my direction.

My eyes darted towards the front of the room and Sergio sat at his desk, glaring at me or perhaps he was glaring at Matthew. I hadn't even noticed him entering. "We're not on a name basis just yet. Let me guess, you're new here." I turned my face away from the moody professor, drowning him out for now as molten heat coursed through my body.

"Nice to meet you no name basis." He said and I almost laughed. Almost. "Yes I am, what gave it away?" He asked letting go of my hand and that's when I smiled, not because I enjoyed this interaction because trust me I did not but because he was so oblivious.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now