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THOSE CRUDE, UNFILTERED WORDS WERE ON REPEAT in my mind for the rest of the day. Sergio's cologne lingered in the air surrounding me, making me think that he was in the same room as me and just hiding away somewhere.

If he were here he'd see how distracted I was, I couldn't even get past the first page in my textbook and yet again we had another test coming up at the end of the week.

Now two things were irking me. The first was the upcoming test and the second was the appointment I had with Sergio on Friday.

I stared at the piece of paper situated next to my books. It just lay there, laughing at me. Laughing at how ridiculous I was to even continue whatever this was between my professor and me.

There was only one thing he meant by sinking himself into me and the thought of it had my clit throbbing painfully. I needed some form of relief. The endless teasing and banter between the two of us wasn't helping.

If anything, it just boiled my blood. Not in a way that made me upset or angry but in a way where my body temperature increased drastically at just the thought of him. To the point where I'd find myself becoming overbearingly hot throughout the day.

I sighed in frustration, picking up my phone and clicking on the phone icon in the bottom left corner. I typed his number into the dial pad, saved it, and then went straight to my messages.

My thumb hovered over the keypad, doubt beginning to infiltrate my mind. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be keen on having sex with my professor because that's exactly what he was referring to.

I've seen too many instances of people getting involved with their educators and it never ended well but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop myself from craving him. I couldn't stop the inappropriate thoughts of him.

If anything I wanted him to ravish me, to fuck me so good I'd never be able to forget him. I clicked on the new message icon, typed in his name, and sent my address without any doubts in my mind. Without any second thoughts.

The second the message was sent my heart dropped into my stomach and I tossed my phone onto my bed. I leaned my head back, groaning softly until I heard a buzzing sound coming from my phone.

My eyes widened and I stared at the device as though someone had just told me it was a bomb and not a mobile phone. I gulped, my mouth suddenly feeling extremely dry.

With slow movements, I picked up the device and clicked the side button before entering my passcode. Sergio's name flashed across the top of the screen, indicating he'd sent another text.

I clicked on it, biting my lip while I read what he had sent me.

Sergio : Good girl 
Sergio : I'm happy to see you know how to follow instructions.

My jaw dropped and was currently on the floor. I narrowed my eyes, burning holes into the screen as if he could actually see my facial expression right now.

I decided to play his game better than he ever could.

Aaliyah : I follow instructions, I just purposely choose not to follow yours.

Almost instantly my phone buzzed again and this time I didn't have a comeback, I stared at the screen for what felt like hours but in reality, it hadn't even been a minute yet.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now