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THE HOTEL SUITE WAS DIMLY LIT. I was seated on the plush grey couch. One arm was draped over the top of the backrest and the other was holding a glass of whiskey.

Aaliyah sat next to me, one leg crossed over the other. The drive to the hotel was silent, she didn't dare say anything else after I said she'd end up being deep-throated while I drove.

Now I knew exactly how to rid her of that attitude.

I brought the glass to my lips and tossed the strong liquid back, closing my eyes while I reveled in the burning sensation before it slowly dissipated.

My mind replayed the sound of Aaliyah's sweet whimpers and moans repeatedly. I placed my empty glass down on the coffee table and leaned back against the couch, closing my eyes. Her lips were soft as fuck and she smelled delectable.

Her pussy was so fucking wet and it drove me crazy when I thought about it. I went to sleep with a hard dick every single night for this past week. What I was doing was risky but fuck I had to have her. I didn't even know if she would've agreed to this little date.

I turned my head in her direction, watching as she sipped on her champagne. Her glossy lips left a sticky residue on the glass.

She wore a black coat, that was tightly tied around her waist with black stockings and black heels. I've been dying to find out what was underneath that garment.

Her curls were in tiny ringlets and looked so fluffy, it was by far my favorite hairstyle on her. I could smell that vanilla and shea butter scent from where I sat and inhaled it. My body burning with desire.

"Aaliyah." At the mention of her name, I could see her visibly tensing but her facial expression was always so fucking stoic. She revealed little to no emotion and I so badly wanted to change that.

"Professor." She said in a formal tone of voice but when she spoke it still sounded so melodious. Her voice was smoother than honey and I could feel my dick getting harder in my pants, again.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours. She didn't speak but her body language told me everything I needed to know.

I moved closer to her until the side of my thighs touched hers. Her sharp inhale made me experience a tingling sensation. "You seem tense."

She bit her lower lip, shaking her head. "I am not tense, I'm just—" She didn't finish her sentence but I wanted to know what was on her mind.

"Talk to me." I said sternly, placing my palm on her thigh. The second my hand made contact with her skin I could see her hands shaking subtly. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"You." She whispered, looking at me with those hypnotic eyes. Fuck. I was losing myself here.

"Me? What about me?"

"About this gentlemanly approach."

With a raised eyebrow I gazed at her. "You don't like it when I'm a gentleman?" I slid my hand upward, making her gulp. "What do you want from me then?"

She looked down at where my hand was placed, her lips slightly parted. "I don't like it because I know it's a facade." She whispered, leaning closer to me.

"Yeah?" I questioned, making her nod. "You didn't answer my question though. What do you want from me?"

She hesitated for a moment, looking at me intently. I gripped her jaw, squeezing her cheeks in between my fingers. "I want you to ruin me." Just like that, a flip inside of me fucking switched and I lost my damn mind but I still hesitated.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now