(Volume 2) Chapter 35: The great fathers

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Maybe it was just a dream.

Maybe it was just Yn trying to avoid insanity from overthinking Roman's semblance.

Or maybe it was just a want that was craved by human desire.

But right now, Yn was on the rooftops once more, his face paler than the last time he was seen. His white skin wasn't compared to the shattered moon, but it went from a cookie color to peach white. 

He didn't want to be around anybody for a while and he vocally said that to his team; he wanted to think about what happened. Each time he thought about something, something about his past life, his chest hurt. Each time he thought about why he was here, his chest hurt, and his mind started to Zwiebel.

He could even go to Vale without passing out halfway through, it was just too much for him. But he chalked it up to his arm somehow being important to it, or Roman's semblance trying to take him over.

His hand reached forward, almost forgetting everything that was going around him. The harsh environment he realized was more intrusive than he thought. The world was keeping itself safe from a force they didn't know existed, existing in small villages or cities that they thought were masterpieces of archeology. But all that was hope and dreams, his eyes looked up towards the distant stars that went beyond his sight. Visions... A way to save the world.

Traitorous thoughts entered his mind...






All those thoughts were interrupted by his scroll ringing, what was it now? He pulled it out to see it came from Ozpin himself, asking for him to come immediately.

He stood up and decided to play at Ozpins mouse trap if it were this important to ask him in the middle of the night. So be it, he had nothing better to do at the moment but wait around for something to occur. He felt so useless while he did, he should be out there stopping Noah but the pain was holding him back...

It wasn't a pain you feel when you fall, or a pain you feel when you are hit with a thousand pounds of steel. He couldn't move when his chest hurt, he couldn't do anything when it happened. His arms would spasm and his jaw would lock. Lay in the middle of the road crashing to the ground at gods know how fast. 

He slowly picked himself up from the ground, stumbling over to the door and grabbing the handle to pull it down. He was out of luck, it was locked. He cursed himself over such a simple matter and waltzed on over to his scroll which he... almost left behind.

I'll be there in ten minutes.

He wasn't going to ask for help after the little speech he pulled off threatening Ozpin. He reached the edge of the rebuilding and looked down at the grass, maybe if he fell it wouldn't cause permanent damage to the environment. He threw himself off the cliff and landed on his feet stumbling onto his side.

Yn:" God- fucking damnit."

He made his way over to the cement path and on over to the main building of Beacon.

But once he did, he had to push the door and almost stumble onto the floor. He was beginning to feel his body numb over, and he didn't like the feeling. To suddenly feel your body getting numb after not feeling it at all was a scary feeling. He managed to pull it off in the day somehow, and once he got into bed, he actually slept... Maybe it was because he started to feel human again, or maybe it was because he feared if he kept thinking of intrusive thoughts.

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