The Dance-Winter

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words: 934


"It's been how long since you've met her?! And she still doesn't know?!" Ningning practically screamed, wide eyed whilst tossing a french fry into her mouth.

"A year and seven months... and counting..." you mutter, dropping your head onto the table onto your crossed arms.

"I can't tell if that's sad or impressive," Ningning says, sympathetically patting you on the head.

You flash a subdued and knowing smile at the girl across from you, your confidant, your best friend since middle school. Doubly so, considering Ningning was the one to introduce you to Winter in the first place.

All of a sudden, Ningning stuffs a chicken nugget into your mouth, forcefully moving your jaw up and down to help you chew. "Cmon, eat up. I have an idea to cheer you up and get over her by the end of the night, and it may or may not involve alcohol."

"Whuh?" you say bewildered, mid chew.


"Take a left. Wait no, a right. Er, left actually."

You let out a defeated sigh, having driven essentially in a circle for half an hour trying to follow Ningning's navigation. You swing right, against Ningning's instructions, and spot a house lit up by neon LED lights and hear blaring pop music from bass-boosted speakers.

"See I told you it was a right!" Ningning leaps out of her seat and rolls down the window, poking her head out to scream at the people congregated outside by the front porch. "Ningning has arrived, bitches!!"

A chorus of hoots and hollers echoes as you drive past, parking at a nearby sidewalk.

You had just put the car into park and Ningning had already gotten out, jumping up and down impatiently at your slowness. "Quickly, quickly! Karina unnie texted me they're waiting on me for shots! Er, us!"

You walk Ningning to the front porch, who was hugging and giving handshakes to the partygoers as she walked by.

As soon as you stepped inside, you felt an immediate headache from the flashing lights and deafening music. Parties were never really your scene, something Ningning was beginning to realize staring at your face.

"Don't make that face," Ningning said as she leaned into your ear to talk over the music, grabbing a hold of your arm. "You just need some liquid courage in you!"

Silently agreeing, you follow the girl to her group of friends located in the kitchen. You gloss over the cacophony of "Ningning!" "Gigi!" "I'm so glad you're here!" "I'm so glad YOU'RE here!" and find yourself with a shot glass of something clear in your hand.

Ningning takes your hand and raises it, declaring, "To y/n's blooming love life!" The circle of hands holding shots repeat the phrase, leaving you embarrassed, yet oddly at ease feeling a sense of camaraderie with the strangers.

Whatever the shot was hit hard and quickly, making you forget all about Winter for a bit. You stumble through the living room, having lost Ningning to a girl leading her outside, until you spot a familiar face sitting alone on the couch. Your eyes meet, a moment feeling like an eternity, until you utter the words,


"Oh, y/n. I didn't expect to see you here." Winter mutters, looking off to the side avoiding eye contact.

"M-me neither. You look great, amazing actually," you say as you take a seat next to her. Winter was wearing a black suit dress, making her stand out in the crowd of hoodies and sweatpants. You wondered why she was so dressed up for a bit, before you caught yourself staring.

The two of you sat in silence for a bit, until you decided to break it. "Ningning brought me here. She said it would help me get over... er, my grades! My bad grades."

"Funny you say that" Winter says, sweeping a strand of hair behind her ear. "Ningning told me I should come too."

The two of you talked for what felt like hours, about what felt like the most random things. Forgetting all about the environment of the party, you lose yourself in conversation with the girl you fell for.

"And so, Ningning ended up forcing a shot down my throat!"

"That's why your face looks like a tomato?" Winter covers her mouth, stifling a giggle and making your heart flutter.

By this point the party had winded down, a few people sleeping soundly on the floor, and the LED lights now dimmed to a soft candle-like color. The stereo playing music suddenly stops, and you look over to see Ningning fiddling with the phone player and giving you a wink and an "OK" sign.

The sound of a soft piano fills the room, Winter's eyes lighting up as she realizes. "I love this song..." Winter says, hands fidgeting with the hem of her dress and her legs swinging almost eagerly.

You wished you had taken another shot of liquid courage, before finally steeled your reserve and extended your hand out to Winter.

"Since nobody's watching... care to join me? May I have this dance, Winter?"

Winter takes your hand as you lead her to the center of the room, placing her hands on your shoulders and your hands (respectfully) on her hips.

The two of you sway.

And sway....

And sway,

The worries,

the regrets,

and the fears,

to rest.

You take Winter's hand and gently twirl her, a still image of her smile now etched into your memory. She rests her head on your shoulder.

"I've waited forever for this moment," you whisper into her ear as you rest your head on hers.

Winter looks up at you, the warmest smile you've ever seen forming and the hint of a tear welling in her eye before you finally speak up:

"But a 'forever' with you would make it all worth it."

You sway...

and sway.

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