hold me-Haewon

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context:  needs some comfort, and of course y/n shall give it to her

word count: 675  


haewon wasn't one to really ask for things that felt silly. she was worried about rejection and that you'd find her requests bizarre. even if that request was something as simple as a cheek kiss.

now, she knew she was being silly. the two of you kissed all of the time, but when days were busy and the two of you were either surrounded by others or being far apart, it was difficult to have the intimate moments you both loved. so when the time finally arrived that she could have attention, she was beginning to get annoyed at herself for her shyness.

she watched you as you flipped through the pages of your book, your eyes focused on the story you were reading. you hadn't noticed he as far as she was concerned. she fiddled with her shirt collar, her gaze drawing down to her feet. she heaved a sigh, wandering over to her desk where she, yet again, fiddled with some pens and putting them in the pen pot.

you peeked at her over your book, a slight tilt to your head. she wasn't one to fidget. "haewon?"

she hummed at your call, looking over at you.

"is something the matter? you seem agitated..." you put your book down on the side table, sitting up a little more.

"agitated isn't... the correct word." she mumbled.

you looked at her curiously. in all honesty she looked a little... shy? how adorable.

"then what is?" you patted the spot next to you, to which haewon complied and sat down on.

"... i'm not sure." she sighed. she wasn't good with words... actions spoke louder in her opinion. if only she could muster up the courage to ask for your embrace.

"do you want a hug...?" 

your hesitancy gave her a small, dreaded feeling, but she shook it away. how did you know? she was certain you were a mind reader or something.

with a soft nod she looked at you, then down towards the ground. "mhm..." her fists were slightly bawled. embarrassment? disappointment? she didn't know why.

you left her no more moments to hesitate or reconsider her answer. with a gently embrace you brought her into your arms, squeezing her comfortingly whilst rubbing the small of her back. saying you adored hugging haewon was an understatement. it was a feeling of uplift. it made you happy... you didn't know such a simple thing could bring such a happiness.

but as it was, this simple thing also lightened up haewon's spirits. even just by the tiniest of bits. she wrapped her arms around you, returning the hug. with her head rested against yours she let out a deep sigh, her eyes closed and her stature slowly relaxing from its previous tensity.

the two of you masked into silence for a few longing moments after that, taking in the others presence. it was almost therapeutic, as if all the worries of the world had gone away. all because of a simple hug.

"... are you upset about something?" you whispered after a little while.

she hummed. "not necessarily... i just wanted your comfort." she murmured against your shoulder, giving you a small squeeze.

your heart melted at that. "really...?" the happiness in your voice was radiating, even though your response came out as a sigh of relief.

she nodded. "it's... relaxing."

you couldn't argue with that. "well, we can hug as long as you wish~" you pecked a soft kiss on her cheek.

"as long as i wish...?"

you nodded. "mhm~"

she hummed, looking towards you with an unsure gaze. "can... i have another cheek kiss?"

you giggled. "of course you can~" you complied with her request and gave her another kiss.

"and another?"


"and... another?"





"haewon~" you whined, smiling. "i'll pepper you with kisses, i promise~ just..." you gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, making her look at you with a bit of bewilderment. she couldn't complain though. "shh~"

she cleared her throat and nodded. alas, she got as she desired, practically showered in kisses for the rest of the day until the stars said hello.


STREAM 'Spicy' by aespa <3

since i will have exams i will be busy for two weeks but please do keep on sending requests

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