Arranged- Irene

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word count: 1.1k

Summary: Just your typical heated story when there's hatred in arranged marriage

Irene didn't know what to expect when her parents had arranged the marriage for her. It was something she didn't want, but she knew she had to. At least to keep them quiet.

The ceremony wasn't terrible, she just wished she didn't have to be the main part of it. She hated it.

After the reception, Irene played the part of actually caring about her wife up until they walked through the hotel room doors. She didn't like this person invading her space and hated them for it. She watched as the woman picked up a few pillows from the shared bed, and walked over to the couch.

"What are you doing?" Irene frowned.

"Setting up my own bed. I don't want this anymore than you do." Y/N scoffed. "I see how much you hate this, so we're the same. You'll do whatever you need to do, and I'll keep to myself." She shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Irene muttered.

"Look, our families are incredibly rich, and also seriously stupid. Our marriage was just to unite them so there wasn't any bad blood or competition. You know this don't be dense." She pointed while taking out her earrings. "We'll play the part as happy married couple, newly in love, everything for them, but in reality, we're seeing who we want on the side without it interfering with our fake lives. Understood?" She asked, turning around to see a slightly impressed Irene.

"Understood." Irene smiled. Maybe she would like this one.

As time had gone on, the two never shared a bed together, but shared other spaces. In the somewhat huge apartment they lived in, Y/N slept in the guest room while Irene had her own room. The only times they saw each other were during mealtimes, where Y/N would cook. Days when Y/N would be out, Irene felt a little upset that she had to cook. She had grown fond of her 'partner's' cooking, and actually enjoyed that one part of her day.

"Are you going out tonight?" Irene asked her.

"Not tonight." Y/N shrugged while putting her own lunch together. Irene stayed silent, watching as she packed everything away neatly and placed it in a new bag. "Why are you watching me?" She asked.

"You have an odd taste in food." Irene muttered, walking away from her.

Every day was something new for Irene. Something for her to nitpick on. Causing the two to eventually snap at each other. Irene calling out Y/N's flaws while Y/N did the same.

"Maybe if you actually opened up every once in a while instead of being some rude bitch you would actually find someone who loves you." Y/N growled.

"Better than going on multiple dates a week like a slut." Irene fired off, instantly shutting Y/N up. "I see I struck a nerve." She smirked, her glare never fading. Y/N decided she had enough, walking away from the argument and going to bed.

Three days they didn't speak to one another. Y/N didn't cook, hardly ate even. Irene didn't care at first, sure she would be filing for a divorce even if they had only been married for a few months. It wasn't until she saw how often Y/N was home that it started to concern her.

Usually, Y/N would go out for a few hours after work, then come home late, or send a text to Irene to go ahead and put the alarm on because she wasn't coming home. Irene just assumed she had found someone and was going to have a grand time with them. But lately, she had been going straight to work, then home. Locking herself in her own room.

On the fourth day, Irene had finished making dinner, hearing Y/N come through the door. She glanced over, seeing her tired face as she dragged her feet to her own room. Her bedroom door clicked shut, signalling that Irene was alone again for the night. She made an extra plate, walking over to the guest room. She knocked a few times, waiting for a response.

"Y/N?" Irene called out softly. "I brought you dinner." She whispered.

That was the beginning of the end for Irene. Y/N had wanted nothing to do with her, especially after that fight. It shouldn't have mattered so much to her what her stupid arranged wife thought, but it hurt her.

Every night Irene would bring her some kind of food, Y/N enjoying the little dishes here and there. After a week, Irene would stay and chat with her. Learning little bits about her.

"Here." Y/N called out as Irene was rushing out the door.

"What is it?" Irene asked, eyeing the bag in her hands.

"Your lunch." Y/N answered casually.

"Oh.." Irene whispered, taking the bag from her.

When she got to work she had been buried with so much work that she had practically forgotten about her lunch until her assistant reminded her. She opened the little bag, seeing a few of her favorites along with a handwritten note...

'Don't work too hard!'

Irene chuckled at the note, eating the few things.

It wasn't something she had thought of at all. She expected this marriage to fail entirely, but here she was, slowly allowing herself to actually like Y/N.

Before long the two found themselves starting to cuddle on the couch, having movie nights and not going out. If they did, they went together. Both of them starting to enjoy each other's company.

"You're tolerable." Irene chuckled one night.

"So are you." Y/N smiled.

The two attended events together, both of them giving each other space as they walked through the crowds. Irene watched Y/N mingle, watching another man walk up to her and begin talking with her.

"Excuse me." Irene whispered before walking away from the little group she had been conversing with. She made her way over, placing a hand on the small of Y/N's back, smiling at the man who was getting to be a little too touchy for her tastes.

"Oh, hello." Y/N chuckled when she realized it was Irene.

"And who is this?" The man asked.

"This is my wife Irene." Y/N introduced.

"Oh.. Wife." He mumbled. "You don't wear a wedding ring?" He asked.

"It's being resized." Irene quickly lied. "Got damaged during our last boating adventure didn't it love?" She asked. Y/N nodded, looking at her wife.

"It did. Got dented after hitting my hand against the rail." Y/N sighed.

Irene smiled at her, happy that she had gone along with the lie. The two stayed close together after, both quite happy with one another. Everything just seemed to finally feel right between them.

The next morning, Irene smiled when she woke up, pulling still sleeping Y/N closer to her. Everything just felt right.

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