Her- Minji

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theme: angst, crack, teeny tiny fluff

word count: 1k

[gender neutral]


"You're right! Oh my god I almost forgot I said that!", Minji threw herself back on the couch, laughing loudly. You were sitting next to her, giggling non-stop, "You were such an idiot, Minji!".

Minji has been your best friend since what felt like forever. You met in school and became friends almost immediately when you chased away some bullies that stole her favorite hat at the time.

She was visiting you today, spending a game night with you for the first time in a while. It used to be your thing - you would play board- or card games and she would lose every single time. Or letting you win - you weren't entirely sure if she was actually that bad of a player. The rapper had finally gotten a few days off and decided to spend them with her family and you, though you basically counted as family.

So there you were, sitting next to eachother on the sofa, knees touching, playing a round of UNO and revelling in the past experieces you shared.

"HA! I WIN!", you slammed your last playing card on the pile, celebrating your win loudly. The woman next to you was pouting, crossing her arms and acting as if she was upset. She stuck out her tongue, teasing you, "Let's play something I can actually win next." "Like what?" "Two truths and one lie, maybe?" "Okay, but I start!", you exclaimed. Like she would ever even think of saying no to you.

"Okay, okay, okay!", you layed your hands into your laps, thinking about what you could say that she didn't already know about you, wanting to make it at least a bit difficult. "I walked into a glass door the other day and everyone at work saw it." Minji chuckled, shaking her head at the thing that definitely sounded like something that would happen to you. It wouldn't be the first time, after all. "I watched the last episode of our show without you in secret, because I couldn't wait." "YOU WOULD NEVER!", the girl basically tackled you, tickling you for your statement, forgetting that you were playing a game where you had to lie, for a while.

It took her a moment to stop, but when she did you didn't continue speaking. "What's the last one?", she waved her hand in front of your face, trying to get you to finish playing the game. "Well I already know you would never watch our show without me and you told me about the door thing happening the other day, so what was the second truth you were going to tell me?" You shook your head slightly, a light blush appearing on your cheeks, "It's nothing."

"Can I try to guess it, maybe?", she didn't want to make you uncomfortable, so she asked before randomly starting to bombard you with questions. You nodded. "Hmm...okay.", Minji stared at your expression, trying to see the slightest change in it to get clues, "Is it about a person?" You nodded again, your face getting even more red. "Ooooh, did you finally get tickets to that concert?" "No, unfortunately not.", your response was quiet. "Did someone ask you-" "I have a crush on someone!", you interrupted her, blurting it out before you could stop yourself, wanting for this conversation to find an end soon. Minji 's eyebrows were basically stuck to her forehead now. "Oh?"

"Yeah I have a crush on this girl. I mean I think it's more than a crush. We've known each other for a while and I just caught feelings. She is so kind and she always looks out for me. She's such a wonder, just like an gentleman; always holding doors open or lending me her jacket when I'm cold. And she loves her family! You know how important that is to me! And god she is so beautiful...it doesn't matter what hairstyle she has, she just looks good with all of them. But my favorite is when she wears it in her natural little curls. And her love for music is admirable...such a hard worker. She's so loud and fun and energetic, but she can be so serious and calm and I just...urgh I just love her. I think I'm in love, Minji. I just wish I knew if she felt the same, because we have been best friends since school and I'm afraid I'll ruin the friendship I have with her."

You studied your best friends face, checking for any sign on how she felt, but she started avoiding eye-contact with you halfway though your little rant. You noticed her44 checking her phone for a second. "It's getting really late, I've got to run." "If you want to you can sleep over-" "I really need to get home!", she turned down your offer a too fast.

Her belongings were grabbed fast and you walked him to the door. She smiled at you, but it didn't reach her eyes. You didn't comment on it. "I'm sure it'll work out fine with you and that person." With a last small wave of her hands she left your apartment, leaving you to think about your confession. Tears spilled out of your eyes and you ran into your bedroom, grabbing a pillow tightly to your chest. You basically just confessed you were in love with your best friend and it made her uncomfortable and want to leave.

On her way home, Minji started to feel a dull pain in her chest. This feeling was new - she never experienced anything like it. It was like someone punched her heart. She couldn't believe hse never noticed that her best friend was in love with someone. How could she be so stupid to ever believe she could have a chance with them? Her face started to feel hot, not even realizing that she had stated crying. The pain the rapper felt was one of the worst things she ever experienced. All she wanted was to curl up in her bed and turn off her brain. This hurt a lot.

The walk home felt like it took ages, but Minji finally reached the dorms after a while, moving straight into her room. The moment that the door closed, realization hit her. "Wait...I'm the only person they're friends with from school. OH MY GOD IT'S ME. THEY'RE IN LOVE WITH ME."


i'm back <3 

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