Icecream date -Chaewon

1.6K 43 0

fluffy and kinda clingy chaewon as your girlfriend

theme: fluff

word count: 0.6 k

"honey, let's go!" chaewon cheered 8 meters away from you from running as she half-watches you tie your shoes and half-steps hesitantly further away from you. "wait for me, darling." you panted as you rushed to her, damn she's a fast walker. she waved at the icecream vendor who unfortunately didn't hear her since there were loads of cars and the overall atmosphere of the city was bustling. you were finally to keep up with her when she stopped running, her shoulders were slumped, her face dropped — she was a sad potato :(. "darling, there's an icecream parlor there." you gently placed your hand on her exposed shoulder, to which she took a glance at. her eyes widened when they laid upon the parlor you were talking about, which was glowing in her perspective. she slowly turned to you, with big glistening doe eyes and a wide open-mouthed smile, "baby, let's go." chaewon yelped airily. she clasped your hand tightly to cross to the other side of the street.

not long, she was bummed again. the existence of the icecream parlor was enough to blind her from the line of customers ordering their desired icecream flavor. "oh, wow." chaewon squinted her eyes at the line of customers before entering in, crossing her arms and putting all her weight in one leg to show her bitterness and defeat. you could die at the sight of her acting like an angry little munchkin if you wanted to, but if you did, that means no more angry little munchkin next time <:0. she was impatiently tapping her finger on her crossed forearms, "ugh. honey, let's play a game. i spy!" quietly squealing, you're lying to yourself if you say a game of i spy inside a store is boring. so, "alright, me first." you excitingly responded. "i spyyy...? with m-my little eeyyeyyeeee??" you were determined to do contorted facial expressions that would make chaewon confused about where you're specifically looking. when you looked at her, her brows were in a worried expression, she was scratching the top of her head idly. and that's when it finally hit her.

"OH MY GOSH, mint choco!" chaewon covered her agape mouth unironically with her hands, she is now standing like a minion — half-squatting and her fingers are crooked while her arms are straightened out stiffly — like she was ready to protect her soon-to-be very own mint choco icecream. "sadly, the tub's almost empty. would probably take 2-3 scoops, tops." you cried out sarcastically before almost immediately changing your tone into an unbothered and careless one, "plus, i wasn't looking at the mint choco, darling. i was looking at the strawberry cheesecake flavor beside it." you smiled at her before bursting into laughter at your own joke, supporting it one-handedly 'cause ms. chaewon beside you is already angry red. in short, you received a playful blow in the arm. "my turn." she growled like a spoiled little kid.

the game went on for about 3 minutes, and not long, you guys were on the front counter being asked what you would like to order. "1 cookies and cream and 1 mint choco, please." you politely conversed with the cashier and after a few minutes, you and chaewon were outside, walking at the sidewalk. "told you, honey. mint choco is reserved for cool people like me." chaewon pointed at herself with her thumb, giving you a smug look. you scoffed jokingly and told her, "uhuh. and do cool people also have icecream smear on their noses?" she got caught off-guard when she touched the tip of her nose — there really was an icecream smear T^T. chaewon scoffed abruptly and tried to wipe it off when you immediately dipped your nose onto your icecream, "hey, i'm cool, too!" you gave her a confused look 'cause, duh, nobody told you having icecream smears in your face is cool ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°). she bursted into laughter that she almost dropped her icecream, a day well spent and it's just noon, you thought to yourself — adoring chaewon in anyway you can and in everything she does.

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