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theme: best friends to lovers' trope, confession

in this Kazuha is a bit mature in terms of her words

and to the the reader who requested this, i modified it a lot so i hope you aren't disappointed. But there's the best friend to lover trope.

word count: 702


You've known one another since you were 12. For Kazuha, you have always been cute, really cute. It was really hard for her to ignore her crush some days but most of the time you guys had no problem teasing one another, making fun of the other, and both pretending to not like each other. It was complicated having feelings for your best friend.

Then as you guys got older Kazuha was convinced you liked her back, but you got a boyfriend during sophomore year of college and so that had to be wrong. You obviously wouldn't choose another boy to kiss and be with if you liked Kazuha. Kazuha had a built-in sure thing, yet you went with the other choice.

Today you and Kazuha had gone to the amusement park together. You split a funnel cake with powdery sugar, you rode a few rides together, held hands as you ran through the rain back to your car and now here you were, in your bedroom at your parent's house. The storm was heavy, and the rain was falling hard and fast. Your parents were asleep and so you and Kazuha decided she would stay the night. It felt a little awkward for you to have Kazuha stay over because she hadn't since you started dating Jay six months ago.

But Kazuha had slept over and in your bed plenty of times before him. Nothing ever really happened. Unlike any other days Kazuha was nervous being near her crush; staying besides you made her heart race like crazy.

 You confidently threw yourself next to Kazuha, and not only this, but you laid on her chest as well, getting comfortable there. Kazuha froze in place, eyes widening, and her heart was beating like crazy. But soon, you snapped Kazuha back to reality by grabbing her hands and leading them to your hair, which only made your heart flutter even more.

You heard her heartbeat but decided to ignore it. But after things that happened today you were feeling extremely awkward. You felt giddy knowing you were the cause to the rise of Kazuha's heartbeat. There was huge curiosity in your mind, it felt like such a silly thought but you beat yourself to it and so you asked Kazuha, "Kazuha do you like me?".  A surprised Kazuha couldn't answer anything, and there was a deep silence for a while to which you took as no. The obvious change in your expressions caused Kazuha to panic and admit her feelings.

"Wait if you liked me, why didn't you say so?" you asked Kazuha. "Well, you were dating Jay so i couldn't say anything. I was extremely jealous of you guys, but my jealousy was nothing infront of your wellbeing and my wish for you to be happy." You felt guilty after hearing Kazuha's response. The truth was you like Kazuha a lot and assumed she wouldn't reciprocate your feelings. "Does this mean we won't be friends anymore?" Kazuha said snapping you out of your thoughts. "NO! I-I mean we will be friends, but maybe more than friends?" You said in a quiet voice, to which Kazuha immediately replied, "What about Jay?". You were touched by her concern about Jay as it would be unfair for him to watch you be in a relation with your best friend. To be honest, you never thought of this so you were confused.

 Seeing you in a dilemma Kazuha said, "i wouldn't mind waiting for you. After all these years we have been just friends. Take your time, take your time with Jay, don't leave him hanging. It will be better if we keep it casual for now. And just so you know, i will wait for you, no matter how long it takes. Let's just go with the flow." Your heart fluttered hearing Kazuha become patient and mature. And with these words you decided to take your time with your love life and let it flow. 

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