Crash and burn- Rosé

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Summary: Your girlfriend Rosé is not happy when you tell her you're getting engaged to Jung Jaehyun for the sake of your business. You shouldn't have told her when she was in the driver's seat...

Genre: Angst

Word Count: 0.9k


You waited on the sidewalk, shivering in your form-fitting satin dress. It left more of your blushing flesh on view than you liked, but you had to look sexy for Rosé today.

It was the least you could do - you knew your girlfriend was growing tired of the constant sneaking around.

It's not that you were ashamed of her, in fact, it was the opposite – she was jaw-droppingly hot. But as the heiress to Korea's oldest law firm, you couldn't risk a secret girlfriend tarnishing your squeaky-clean reputation.

Rosé didn't greet you when you got into her car. Her jaw was clenched, her dark eyes fixed on the road ahead. Her glossy blonde curls rippled down to her cinched waist. Even in anger, she was beautiful.

You barely had time to buckle your seatbelt before the car raced off. The miles ticked by with the two of you driving in steely silence.

"Rosé baby, I'm sorry. You know I hate my family for forcing us to keep quiet, too."

Rosé didn't respond, so you took a different tack. Placing a hand on her bare thigh, you murmured, "Did you get that lingerie set I sent you?"

Scoffing, Rosé swatted your hand away. "Don't think you can use your money to get off the hook this time." On the outside, she seemed tough, but you could hear the tell-tale tremble in her voice.

"Babe... I have some bad news." You bit your lip.

Rosé's hands clenched harder on the wheel, her silver rings squeezing her flesh. "What is it?" she said, through gritted teeth.

You took a deep breath. "Do you remember Jung Jaehyun?"

Rosé didn't respond, but you went on. "He's from our rival firm Jung & Kim LLP. Well... their CEO proposed a merger between our companies. It's just a media thing, but Jaehyun and I have to get... engaged as part of the deal."

Suddenly, the car swerved onto the side lane. You sucked in a gasp, biting back a complaint.

"Engaged? What the fuck?" Rosé shrieked. "You're just going to whore yourself out for your company?"

Hot tears streamed down Rosé's face, glistening under the flitting amber of the streetlights. "What about me? Don't I matter?"

"Of course, you do baby! It's out of my hands, I-"

"Shut up!" Rosé slammed her foot down on the accelerator, sending the car hurtling down the highway. Your stomach flipped out of your body.

You looked nervously at the dashboard - you were wildly over the speed limit. "Please slow down, let's pull over and talk about this."

The other cars faded into a blur outside your window. "You think you can just dump me like that?" Rosé cried. "You love me, no one else. Tell me you love me!"

An oncoming vehicle swerved around your car, honking madly. "Eyes on the road!" you cried, gripping your seat with shaking fingers.

"Tell. Me. You. Love. Me!" She flung her words like knives, each one more forceful than the last. Your heart was an elastic band, stretched taut between love and duty.

"Rosé, you're going to kill us!" Your heart was thumping so hard you could barely hear the little Hyundai's warning whine.

"Say it, Y/n!" Rosé stomped harder on the gas pedal. The car got even faster, the force flattening you back into your seat. You squeezed your eyes shut. You didn't believe in god, but you were praying with all your might now.

"Rosé, I..."

Suddenly, you saw the menacing headlights of a van hurtling towards you. You looked over at Rosé, but she was making no move to swerve out of its path. Her face was deathly pale, and her eyes were glassy.

You flung your hand onto the wheel and jerked it down to the side, desperately trying to swerve the car. But Rose's clenched fingers kept the wheel frozen. The car kept accelerating, and the van was getting nearer and nearer...


The impact of the van sent you flying forwards in your seat. There was a deafening crunch, and sharp shards sliced your skin.

You tried to breathe, but an immense weight was pushing down on your chest. The smell of smoke and burnt rubber filled your nostrils. You couldn't hear anything above the ringing in your ears.

That's when you heard a sickening crack from next to you. You looked over to the side, and saw that Rosé's head was streaming with red. A fresh red imprint marked a crack in the car roof just above her. Her blonde hair, now streaked crimson, was splaying out everywhere.

You reached out your hand and found Rosé's bruised one. You used your last ounce of strength to give it a weak squeeze.

"I do love you," you croaked.

Rosé tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. Blood stained her heart shaped lips. "That's all I ever wanted," she whispered, resting her head on the wheel.

Slowly, the world around you faded to black.


a/n: i hope y'all are enjoying your time unlike me 😭
i have my exams soon and i accidentally brozoned my crush 😶

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