Little family-Sowon & Chungha

807 3 0

Royalty au with 


word count: 707


Laughter filled the halls before anyone could hear the sounds of little feet hitting the marble floors. It wasn't unusual for anyone in the palace to hear such laughter echoing through the halls. They all knew the type of prankster the young princess was. Usually, it was a terrible joke or it was something misplaced by little hands.

"And where might you be going?" One of the palace maids asked the young princess.

"To find my mothers!" she giggled, hardly taking a second to stop and properly speak with the woman.

The young princess continued her journey, giggling to herself as she turned a corner. She didn't pay any regard to her surroundings, running right into her mother.

"Oh!" Chungha chuckled as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. "We've been looking for you!" She smiled, lifting the young child up and placing her on her hip. "Where have you been hiding?" She asked.

She was met with a fit of giggles, no answer to the question she had asked.

The queen let out a small laugh, happy that her daughter was having a great time in the palace. She walked through the halls, looking for her wife before finding her in the large library.

"I see you've found Hyeju." Sowon chuckled, setting her book aside to greet her family.

"She was running through the halls again." Chungha sat in the free chair next to Sowon's, watching as her wife's expression changed from happy to a stern one.

"What have we told you about running in the halls?" Sowon frowned, pointing her finger at their daughter. "The palace floors are nothing like our home. Palace floors are slippery." She reminded.

"Yes momma.." Hyeju whispered.

The little family always had such a beautiful life. Sowon had felt herself really let loose the second she had met her now wife. She had been raised to be the most perfect version of herself while Chungha had been raised to be herself. When the two had met, it was almost as if the world had stood still. When they had brought Hyeju into their lives, it was as if the world had a whole new palette of colors to it.

After the long week of their royal duties, the little family had found themselves in their real home. The home that was hidden from the world's prying eyes. Everyone who died to know what they did on a daily basis would have to live their entire lives never knowing just what they did when they weren't in the palace.

Hyeju would spend her days in school, but when she was out of school, she was running in the garden with the family dogs.

Chungha would watch her from the comforts of the veranda, smiling as she enjoyed her days. Sowon would join her, walking right up behind her and wrapping her arms around her.

"We are the luckiest women alive," Sowon whispered.

"Considering what?" Chungha asked.

"Hyeju. She's the best." Sowon chuckled before taking a seat next to her wife. Her gaze landed back on their daughter, watching her continue to play in the garden. "I really don't know what we did in our lives to get this... This lucky." She whispered.

Chungha couldn't stop staring at her wife, admiring how beautiful she was. How beautiful the words she was saying were. She knew Sowon was great with expressing her feelings, but she hardly ever expressed these feelings before.

"What makes you say these things now?" Chungha chuckled.

"I just feel very grateful." She answered. "Everything in my life before you had been given to me. I never felt lucky. But you, landing you had to be the luckiest thing. And then adopting little Hyeju... The best luckiest thing in the entire world." She turned her head back to her wife, smiling as she did so. "Especially since we got to adopt her. Together."

"I love you." Chungha smiled. "So much."

"I love you too," Sowon whispered.

"Momma!!!" Hyeju's shout interrupted their moment, causing the two to look at their daughter, seeing her covered in dirt. They saw the biggest smile on her face, giggling away as she held one of the smaller dogs, who was equally as covered as their daughter.

"Still lucky?" Chungha raised her eyebrow, glancing at her wife.

"Very much so. It could've been mud." Sowon smirked.

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