Forbidden Forest- Hikaru

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Harry Potter inspired au

genre: fluff

word count: 0.4k


  You, Y/n L/n a pure blood Slytherin was friends with a non pure blood witch, who's also a Gryffindor, how scandalous!

You were born in a family of pure blood Slytherin, you were taught not to meddle in with those of the impure blood, or what your parents called them, "mudbloods" but you did anyways like the rule breaker you are.

You were definitely popular in Hogwarts, both for the good and bad reason. One, you're a brilliant chaser, rarely missing any goal, plus you're also very good looking. Two, you're a pure blood from a family that hates anything none magic related.

But also there have been rumors involving you, many students seems to think that you're cruel like others pure blood but they don't know the real you.

It was late at night and you were sneaking around the halls looking for a certain Gryffindor prefect, greeting a few other prefects passing by. And you might wonder, how did a troublemaker like Ezaki Hikaru got the position of prefect? Well no one knows except for the great Albus Dumbledore.

Once you got out of the castle, you went to the place you both went to regularly, the forbidden forest. It is dangerous of course but at least you get to visit the majestic creatures.

As you began to dive deeper you saw Hikaru playing with the unicorns. You carefully creep up behind her before pushing her a bit, not to hard though but just enough to make her soul run out of her body before coming back in.

"My god! L/n what the hell is wrong with you!" She shouted before hitting you with her hands not stopping until you grab it. "Ouch Karu! This hurts like that time when you hit me with your bat"

Did I also mention that Hikaru was also in her house's quidditch team, and explaining that incident, she was actually a chaser but had to take the role of beater since one of the beaters had detention. She was not used to it of course and had accidentally swung her bat to your head.

"I already said I was sorry, stop trying to guilt trip me" Hikaru rolled her eyes but still had a smile on her lips, but before you could say anything, you heard someone walking towards your direction.

You both were ready to run but were stopped by Professor Snape.

"That was very foolish of you both, especially you L/n, as prefects you're suppose to lead fellow house members to follow rules, yet you were the one breaking them. Detention tomorrow both of you, but for now, off to bed!"

It was your first time getting caught but you both did not regret it one bit.

a/n: sorry for the late update y'all, i was busy mcing (?) (being an mc 😞) for a program in my highschool 😭 

and there were so many crazy moments i hope i could share with y'all 

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