Sandwiches and sweets-Gaeul

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gender neutral

genre: fluff

word count: 474

It was late afternoon after a tiring day, you just finished some of your exams for the week. Tiredly, you walked from the classroom over to your dorm. The surrounding students seem to match your slow and tired pace, minus a few first years running through the halls.

Now in your dorm you planned on getting a nap in before dinner, but instead you saw a heart shaped note telling you to go to the lake. There was no signature, but you didn't need it. You could recognize Gaeul's beautiful loopy handwriting without a second glance.

Quickly changing out of your uniform you raced down and out of the dorm to yours and Gaeul's spot. Excited to see your girlfriend since exams have been keeping you two busy and separate.

You immediately noticed her short blonde hair leaning against a tree as a butterfly sat on her finger. She looked fondly at it, studying its wings. No doubt she'd tell Leeseo about it sometime this weekend.

Afraid to scare away the butterfly you just stood and watched from afar, staring softly at your lover. It didn't take long for Gaeul to notice you and wave you over with her free hand. So, you picked a flower to give to her once you got there.

As expected, the butterfly fluttered away once you got closer, but the smile on Gaeul's face made up for any disappointment of not seeing it up close. In fact, most of your other worries disappeared when you were with her. She made you feel safe and comforted.

"Oh, hello there, love. I missed you," she said warmly. Taking the flower from your hand and placing it behind her left ear.

You sat down and gave her a quick kiss, "Hi, I missed you too". You only just realized everything that's laid out and you audibly gasped. "Gaeul you didn't have to all this! This is wonderful," you said taking in the sandwiches and the fruit that's now in season. She later told you she helped the house elves make the sandwiches.

"I know, but I wanted to, romance doesn't end once you start dating," she shrugged and grabbed a sandwich.

Seeing Gaeul take a bite made you realize that you barely ate that day, too focused on studying. She took notice of your growling stomach, and while smiling she told you to dig in. And so, you both did.

It's been a little over an hour and you sat with your head in her lap, her slender fingers running through your hair. You were happy to be with the one you loved in the place you called home. Hearing the mix of wildlife and fellow student's plans for the summer felt right.

Looking back up at Gaeul you see she looks slightly upset, "what's wrong, my love?"

"I seemed to have left the cheesecake inside," she hummed.

"Do you want us to go get it? I wouldn't mind going to grab something sweet"

"It's alright, I think you're sweet enough," she said before giving you a kiss.

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