Nap buddy-Karina

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theme: fluff, fluff and fluff

context: Lately, you had been feeling burnt out from studying so hard. Exhausted and maybe now delusional, you jokingly thought to yourself that having Karina as your nap buddy but wouldn't it be such a bad idea? Until it was no longer a joke and you found yourself craving for her presence all the more.

word count: 750


You had been studying in the library all day and were feeling exhausted. As you made your way back to your dorm room, you couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to take a nap. Maybe you could even convince Karina to take one with you. You knew how much she loved her naps.

As you made your way to the dorm, you had suddenly crossed paths with the devil, Karina herself! She was flipping through a book with a bored expression on her face. She looked up at the sound of your footsteps, and you couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat at the sight of her.

For some reason, as if your mouth had a mind of its own, you asked her the question. The all-nighters were getting to you.

"Hey, Karina," you said, trying to keep your voice casual. "Do you want to take a nap with me?"

She raised an eyebrow in surprise and let out a grunt but didn't object.

The next you knew, you were in her room.

As if you had been possessed, you climbed onto her bed and snuggled up next to her. Once again, to your pleasant surprise, she made no complaint. You could feel her warmth next to you, and you closed your eyes with a contented sigh.

For a few minutes, you both lay in silence, enjoying the feeling of each other's presence. You could feel your breaths slowing down, and you knew that you were both starting to drift off.

As you fell into a deep sleep, you felt Karina's arm wrap around you, pulling you closer to her. You snuggled in even closer, feeling safe and content in her embrace.

When you woke up a few hours later, you found that Karina was still asleep next to you, her breathing slow and even. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, feeling a sense of closeness that you had never felt before.

As you gently extricated yourself from her grasp, you felt a pang of sadness at leaving her. You wished that you could stay with her forever, just like this, in a state of blissful contentment.

But you knew that you had to leave, and so you got up and left the room, feeling grateful for the brief moment of intimacy that you had shared with Karina.

Over the next few days, you found yourself unable to stop thinking about the nap that you had taken with Karina. You couldn't help but feel a sense of longing whenever you saw her around campus, and you found yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to be with her again. It was weird. You thought you were going crazy.

Suddenly, you felt a warm presence next to you, and you looked up to see Karina standing next to your desk. You blinked in awe. Maybe she was going crazy too.

"Hey," she said softly, her voice surprisingly gentle. "I heard that you've been studying all day. Do you want to take a break and nap with me again?"

You felt your heart race at the sight of her, and you couldn't help but nod in agreement. It was seriously kind of out of character of her, but perhaps she actually enjoyed your presence. You followed her out of the library and back to her dorm room, where she led you to her bed and pulled you into her arms.

For a few minutes, you both lay in silence, enjoying the feeling of each other's presence. You could feel your breaths slowing down, and you knew that you were both starting to drift off.

As you fell into a deep sleep, you felt Karina's arm wrap around you again, holding you close to her. You could feel her warmth radiating against your skin, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of safety and comfort in her embrace.

When you woke up a few hours later, you found that Karina was still asleep next to you, her breathing soft and even. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, feeling a sense of happiness that you had never experienced before.



a/n: Thanks a lot for 35k views and 3 more stories before i end this series </3

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