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Genre: Fluff

words: 0.5 k

☕️You're a college student that works at your cousin's cafe. You've recently moved to Korea so you're not familiar with everything. Especially K-pop idols...☕️


The bell rings as a customer walks in.

It's Jennie, you learned her name after taking her order once before. She's a regular here so you always make sure to respect her. You often see her come in early in the mornings.

You didn't know that Jennie became a regular because of you. She thought you were so breathtaking and caring, and whenever you were actually at the front, she would admire you. She loved watching you interact with other customers, and she could tell you were a shy person. Believe it or not, you were the person that made her energized these early mornings.

"I got this one!" Your coworker Se-hoon yells from the front. You roll your eyes hoping he takes this order seriously.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" Your coworker Se-hoon says with a smile, but that soon turns into a smirk when he sees who it is.

But she's interrupted before she could talk.

"You come in here a lot, is it to see my face?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

Jennie was feeling uncomfortable, so she didn't answer him and gave a nervous smile.

You've been listening and you've had enough. As you usually don't come out from the back because you're a shy person you decided to come out this time.

With a huff you stand up from the desk and walk out your cousin's office.

He doesn't see you coming behind him, but Jennie does, her eyes show relief and slight happiness (?)

"Too stunned to answer?" Se-hoon says cockily.

You grab him by the back of his collar and drag him to your cousin. Sehoon was silent. "Y/n? Sehoon?" Your cousin says. "He was causing a customer to feel uncomfortable. Again." You say. Your cousin sighs, "I'll deal with him."

"Thanks." You shut the door behind yourself.

Your heart wasn't ready for the adorable smile Jennie gave you when you came back to the front.

"...I'm so sorry about him, would you like something extra on the house? Or..." you ramble running your fingers through your h/c hair.

Jennie saves you from self-embarrassment with a "Thank you" for earlier.

You give a shy smile in return and Jennie swears you're the most adorable thing she's encountered. She wanted to pinch your cheeks; you looked like a chipmunk. Jennie is aware you don't know she is famous and that made her more interested in you.

"Your total will be $11.47. "you say, handing her the receipt. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to make up for what happened?" You ask again.

Jennie leans in and whispers in your ear, "you can give me your number..." and pulls back with a gummy smile. You're shocked to say the least that a beautiful woman asked you for your number, you never thought you were attractive in looks or personality regardless of what your friends tell you, but you comply.

You both spend time getting to know each other before Jennie has to go to work. Surprisingly you didn't stutter much, and the conversation ran smoothly. A little later she parts ways not before giving you a hug.

As Jennie walks to the YG building, she wonders if her little admiration of you could be a crush instead, but she denies it as her fondness for you...

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