Build a girlfriend-Jisoo

1.2K 26 4

Genre: Fluff, Suggestive

Summary: When a website lets you create your perfect girlfriend, you're sure it won't work. You're in for the shock of your life when a certain someone turns up at your door...

Word Count: 1.1k


Ugh. You've been single for so long that you're considering proposing to your pet rock. It's a Friday night, and you're holed up in your room, browsing porn on your laptop.

You're absentmindedly scrolling, when the screen freezes. Shit. This is why you shouldn't go on porn sites!

You slam on the keys, praying that it's not a virus. The screen goes black. You're really done for now.

Suddenly, a pop-up window flashes up on the screen. You squint at the words written in glittery cursive.

Congratulations! You are the 420th visitor to our site! You have won one free sample. To collect your prize, go to

Build a girlfriend? Free sample?

Your heart starts to race. It can't be legit, right? Magic isn't real... People don't just build girlfriends on the internet.

But then again, you really do need to get laid... So, with trembling fingers, you click the link.

The screen flashes black, then pink, then black... and then finally the website opens.

Follow these 3 simple steps, and the perfect girlfriend will be delivered to your doorstep!

Sparks shooting in your belly, you click continue.

Step 1: Choose a template girlfriend.

a) Goth b) Girly c) Tomboy d) Traditional

You bite your lip as you consider the choices. After a couple of seconds, you click girly. The screen flashes again.

Step 2: Choose a personal attribute.

a) Caring b) Feisty c) Energetic d) Romantic

Hmm, you do enjoy getting pampered... You press on caring.

Step 3: Choose the item that is the most important to you.

a) Jeans b) Diary c) Teddy Bear d) Feather Earrings

Your blood goes cold. Those exact things are scattered around your bedroom. How did this website know all your stuff?

You hurriedly select leather skirt and slam your laptop shut. Delving under the covers, you fall into a fitful sleep.

When you wake up the next morning, you're sure last night was just a bad dream. But then you hear three sharp knocks on your front door.

Your heart leaps into your mouth as you scramble out of bed and fumble with the latch. You don't let yourself believe it's your new girlfriend. But you can't help but wish that it is.

Taking a deep breath, you pull open the door and see...

A very bored delivery boy, with a chin full of acne and a crumpled envelope.

"This is for you," he drones. He shoves a pink envelope into your hand and cycles away.

Inside the envelope is a single seed and a holographic business card. You read the card.

Place in a tub with water so clear, and before thine eyes she shall appear.

This is insane. Also, whoever wrote this sucks at poetry.

You fill your bathtub with steaming water and drop the seed in it. The seed promptly sinks to the bottom, and then does nothing. You deflate.

Suddenly, you're overcome with an intense tiredness. You slump to the floor and feel the cool bathroom tiles press against your cheek. The last thing you see is the chipped edge of the bathtub, then you drift off.

When you finally wake up, you feel completely washed out. You watch dust floating in the rays of afternoon sunshine. Then, you remember where you are and you scramble to your feet.

You finally muster the courage to look into the bathtub, and your mouth falls open.

It's her.

A beautiful girl is lying in the bathtub, fast asleep. Her body is submerged, but her head rests on the rim.

Her almond-shaped face is breath taking, especially her pouty pink lips. You can't see her eyes – they are covered with a blindfold made of delicate flowers.

Her chocolate hair is thick and wavy, clinging to her soaked chest. Your eyes trail beneath the glistening water, which caresses her smooth golden skin. You can just make out her supple legs, stretched out like a dancer's.

She is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen.

The stranger stirs, and the entire room trembles with anticipation as she slowly stands up.

Water droplets cascade down her naked body. Your eyes can't help but follow the water that slips over the swell of her breasts, the curve of her waist, down her blushing thighs.

She lifts up a dainty hand to her face and pulls down the flowery blindfold.

You see her eyes, and gasp. They are smoldering with such intensity that you can feel their fire licking your soul. Her eyes glaze over for a second, then the most brilliant smile appears on her face. You feel dizzy just looking at her.

She reaches towards you and grasps your quivering hand.

"Hello, Y/n."

Your legs are like jelly. She leans her other hand on your shoulder as she steps out of the tub. Your skin throbs under her touch.

You grab your purple satin bathrobe that's hanging from the door and help her into it. "W-who are you?" you ask, between shallow breaths. Only now her body is covered can you actually form words.

Impossibly, her smile grows brighter. "My name is Jisoo. I'm your girlfriend... If you'll have me." Her long black lashes flutter and damp rose tints her perfect cheeks.

You splutter. "Of course, I'll have you! I mean you're gorgeous and way out of my league and I don't even know how you got here or how you-"

Jisoo places a finger on your lips, silencing you. "Shh..."

She moves her hand from your lips and presses it onto your chest. Your heart pounds under her dripping fingers.

"I was created especially for you. I'm yours, for as long as you'll have me. I love you, Y/n."

Your mind is going a thousand miles per hour. She knows your name? She loves you?

Jisoo's gorgeous face creases into a frown, and her eyes drop to the floor.

As you take in the sadness on her features, your heart rips in two. You realize that you'd do anything on the earth to see that smile again.

"What's wrong, Jisoo?" you whisper, placing two fingers on her chin to lift her face up.

"Do you not like me, Y/n?" she asks, voice trembling. Her hazel eyes shimmer with tears.

A wave of unexpected confidence swells inside you. "Let me show you how much I like you," you say, leaning towards her.

You place your lips onto hers, tasting the sugary sweetness of her pomegranate lip gloss. Jisoo melts into the kiss, her tongue tentatively stroking yours. You tangle your fingers into her wet hair, and she wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

You only break apart for short gasps of air. Right now, Jisoo is more important to you than oxygen.

Eventually, you're forced to pull apart. You take Jisoo's now warm hands into your own, and smile.

Maybe you do believe in magic.

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