Say love- Karina

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content: tiny angst, fluff, love confession

Summary: y/n is mad at Karina who hasn't really expressing her love. Karina finds it difficult to let y/n know that she loves her a lot

word count: 616


It was quarter eleven at night, they were having same conversations and y/n was tired of waiting for Karina to say that she loved her. Karina loved her uncontrollably, but she couldn't find the words or voice to say it. Time and again, multiple times, Karina tried saying those three simple words; 'I love you' but every time she sees y/n, she freezes. Well, it wasn't easy for her as well.

Y/n knows very well that Karina and her were deeply in love with each other, but she just wanted confirmation from her mouth. Y/n didn't want to fall in love alone.

"Y/n believe me you are not just any girl, you are special to me! You are very very special, but how do i explain this to you" Karina says with warmth in her voice. To which y/n replied, "Is this something that i should say it myself? If i say how special i am for you, what will you even say? For God's sake Karina if it goes on like this i don't think we can work out" with this y/n leaves driving really fast and far away from Karina. Everything happened so quick that Karina was speechless and couldn't run to y/n. Sadness all over face, with no hope she went back home.

Next day, it was a sunny morning but not for the couple. It was probably 6:30 am when y/n heard the doorbell had rung. Irritated that her morning got ruined, with frown on her face she went to open the door just to see nobody was even there. Y/n looked here and there and sees a basket with cassette tape, a note and few chocolates and candy. Y/n open the note cautiously and there was really long note written on the paper. It said, "Please play the cassette without thinking anything. And i want you to play it right now immediately." Y/n knew it was from Karina and felt skeptic to play it since she was still mad, but love won again, and she played the cassette.

"It's beyond my bounds of possibility to be away from you, my love! I hold no value if you are not with me. I just want to experience both sorrow and happiness with you. I want to live and be lost in you, i want to be with you even after my death. Maybe I will never be able to say it to you in person but i want to let you know i wanna be there with you everywhere. When i'm apart from you even for a second i start to wonder if we get to meet in dreams as well. Even in my dreams i say, meet me somewhere where you are lost in yourself and if you are not there, I won't be able to survive. I don't need anything more than you neither anything less than you. I promise you, you'll never be alone and i always be there for you"

Listening to the tape made her teary for some reason, y/n really needed to hear this from Karina. She picked up the chocolate and saw an even smaller note pasted on the chocolate wrap, which said, "Girl you are my candy" which made her laugh a little. 

Y/n rushed towards her door in her pajamas to start the car and find Karina but she was already there. "I guess you listened to the cassette" Karina said to which y/n didn't respond and hugged her like it was end of the world.

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