The stealer-Wonyoung

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word count: 359

theme: fluff


Your eyes glance across the dance floor, scanning the ballroom for any easy pickings. Spying a middle-aged lady who's already gotten a tad tipsy and welcoming, you slink over, ready to invite yourself into the conversation and, if things go according to plan, her pockets.

Just before you reach her, however, an arm reaches out, blocking you from continuing. Looking up in barely concealed frustration, you make eye contact with your host, Princess Wonyoung. Suddenly, your brows shoot up and you're bowing profusely, hoping that she didn't catch you eyeing the lady's necklace. She giggles before gently but firmly gripping your elbow, preventing you from further bowing.

"No need to break your back for me, y/n, I'm not that important."

"Hey! We got keep this thing low, we can't have people knowing!"

"And what would be so bad about that?" she pouts. "It's just us."

"Just us?!," you exclaim, before growing conscious of the surrounding guests' looks. "In case you've forgotten, you are heir to the throne while I pick pockets to get by. We aren't exactly a perfect match in the public's eyes, and especially not in your parents'."

You're about to continue when Wonyoung steps closer, gently gripping your chin and getting dangerously close to your face. Suddenly you've forgotten everything you were talking about, focusing only on her lips. Closing your eyes, you eagerly await your kiss, but instead get a breath across your face, followed by a whisper.

"Like I said, what would be so bad about that? I was planning on getting us out of here anyways."

"Really?" She nods. "Tell me more," you say, eager to hear.

She pulls you aside, outside of gossip's hold, and continues. "Somewhere faraway where you don't have to steal, and I don't have to plan and be formal and all of that boring jazz. Somewhere where we can have our own overgrown garden, some cows, horses-"

"And ducks! We'll need ducks!"

"And definitely some ducks," she laughs yet again, "I wouldn't let you go without them, my love."

"It sounds perfect," you sigh, leaning in to finally get your desired kiss before Wonyoung leaves you to dream about this future for the rest of the night.

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