Prayers from my heart- Yujin

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it's ironic i wrote this because i do not believe in god 💀

and before some questions why did i write a story that involves god, i thought it would be good to experience new stuff and this was kind of inspired by that church confession thing i see in movies (and if there's any nctzens,, i thought of mark while writing this.... something like mark's pov ig)

theme: accidental confession, fluff

word count: 1049


You were peeping out of your window, just to see her. You were glancing here and there, just to take once look at her and finally you saw her; smiling, the most beautiful girl to ever exist in your eyes; An Yujin.

Lucky for you, Yujin also happens to be your neighbor and a close friend, so you get to meet her everyday and be there with her on your way to school.  You were so madly in love with her but you really didn't have the guts to confess. And since you were really devoted to God and had huge faith, you only confessed in your prayers. 

It was 9:45 am, half an hour before your college started. Since praying was equivalent to your daily chore and you liked to pray in your free time, so you decided to pray to your God. You sat down on your knees, with faith in your eyes, and devotion on your mind but your heart was wandering in search for Yujin. You closed your eyes and started confessing to your Lord. "Today the day has risen in your color. It's another beautiful day which is created by your grace and kindness. Dear Lord, you are your creator, savior and destroyer, and i beg you to keep on watching over us with your loving eyes. With your power and blessing, us mere creatures have been living a sophisticated life with every needs. This day is really already beautiful with your presence and power, but my greedy heart is still asking for more kindness upon me. And today i want to ask for something for myself and my benefit, God i hope you hear my confessions with open heart and mercy."

Unnoticed by you, somebody had entered your house. Since you were praying, you didn't realize that you could be in possible danger. It literally seemed like nothing came before you and your God. Despite all, you kept on confessing to your deity till your heart's content.

"You forgive sins by listening to the prayers. God, you've given love to everyone, listen to my sighs and prayers as well and please grant me the one whom my heart has fallen for. Grant me the one whom my heart has fallen for and tell her that she's my hope and my thirst. The one who looks at me and smiles, the one whom I want to attain day and night God, grant her to me. Do this for the sake of my heart."

There was a tint of sadness in your voice, and passive aggressiveness while you kept on going confessing. "God i have always been devoted to you and put you first, but my love is sincere and i hope you understand, how much i want her to know that i can be her friend and lover and i hope she reciprocates this feeling. I hope you can understand my impatience and anger. Infact what's your loss in giving me what I've asked, I haven't asked the entire heaven from you. You're a God just for namesake. May you always keep ruling, may my love always be there, grant me my life, do this for the sake of my heart."

A loud cough interrupted your confession and only thing you knew was you were ruined for sure. Feeling embarrassed you opened your eyes and what's even shocking was, it was Yujin behind you listening to your prayers. You were astonished and definitely speechless seeing your crush while she learned about your love for her due to that accidental confession. Only thought that came in your mind was, "Oh! She definitely thinks I'm a creep now."

What shook you even more was the thing she said next, "You know if you said these things to me face to face, maybe i could be your someone, maybe your desire or even God." You didn't know how to respond, how did that puppy like innocent girl say such bold stuffs.

Panick written all over your face you started speaking really fast with nervousness, "Well you are like a God to me. You are blessing me with your grace and there's so much kindness in you, i see God in you."

Yujin started blushing by those mere words which gave you to the confidence to speak properly in front of her and you suddenly started confessing to her. "You are my heaven, you are my passion, you are my wish, you are the peace of my soul. You are the coldness/calmness of my eyes, you are the heartbeat of my heart.
I don't know anything else, i know only this that i see god in you, what should i do? My head is bowing down in your worship, what should i really do?

I can't undesrtand what kind of distance is this, what helplessness is that i have touched you with my eyesight. Sometimes your fragrance/scent, sometimes your talks, without demanding i have got this world. You are the light of my heart, you are the wealth/treasure of my life. Whenever you come around me, it feels like heaven and whenever i'm behind you, it feels like your shadow kisses me. When you smile when you are shy, it seems like my god is dancing with joy. You are my progress/growth, you are my worship, my prayer."

Your words were cut off by a sudden hug which took you aback. "I get it dummy, you like me and I understand it. Just so you know, i like you too and please next time, just come to the point okay?", Yujin says.

You just nod furiously and what happens next depends on you and your actions to prove the lengths of your love.


a/n: i cringed so much writing this but i hope y'all enjoyed it. And i want you guys to know that this oneshot compilation will end after one more chapter so thanks for the tremendous support <3

p.s this was inspired by a poem (i don't remember the title rn)

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