Netflix and chill-Karina

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Summary: You're watching a movie in bed with Karina, but all you can think about is kissing her...

Genre: College AU, friends to lovers AU

Word Count: 0.6k 


You're sat next to Karina on her bed. A movie is playing, but you've long lost the plot. All you can focus on is her smile as she's watching your typical romcom movie.

Karina's staring intently at the TV, her glistening black eyes shining with the reflection of the TV. Your entire body is tense, and your heart is pounding against your chest.

Karina looks over at you, a smirk paying on her plump lips. "Can't stop thinking about me, can you?"

Your mouth falls open. "W-what do you mean?"

Karina chuckles. She flicks her long dark hair over her shoulder, sending a waft of intoxicating jasmine your way. "I know you have a crush on me, Y/n."

"No I don't! What are you even talking ab-"

Karina places one manicured finger over your lips, shushing you.

"I see the way you look at me in the changing rooms after dance practice and from the time we hang out alone. You think I don't notice you staring, but I do." She leans closer, so that you can get butterflies all over your body. "Do you think of me when you try to sleep?"

"I- I-" you stutter, but no words come out.

Karina sneers.

Heat floods your cheeks. You jump off the bed, unable to bear her look anymore. "I'm going!"

You spin towards the bedroom door, ready to bolt away. But just as you're about to go, a hand grips yours, locking you in place.

You turn around and come face to face with Karina. She's standing now, her face only inches from yours.

"Where do you think you're going?" Karina's lips are parted, her breath comes out in gasps. Her pupils are wide, and a curl of her usually perfect hair lies wildly on her forehead. She looks... excited. Your heart jumps. Is this because of you?

You stare at her, unable to move.

Karina's gaze flickers down towards your lips.

Your breath catches in your throat.

Before you can process it, Karina leans down and presses her mouth onto yours. Your eyes snap wide open. Her lips move like butter, her soft tongue brushes against yours. You can't believe it! Karina, head cheerleader and the girl you've been crushing on for three years is kissing you!

Karina squeezes your hand. "Stop thinking so much and kiss me back." She smiles shyly, the faintest blush appearing on her cheeks.

Smiling, you lean forwards and kiss her again. Boldly this time, braver. Your hand rests against her waist, your fingers brushing against bronze skin.

You pull away, breathless.

"I thought you... hated me?" You said, still unable to imagine how a girl as gorgeous as her would want you.

Karina shakes her head. "What gave you that impression?" She smirks. Linking arms with yours, she pulls you down so you're lying side by side on the bed.

You stare at her, still in shock.

Karina's gaze darkens. She slips her hand around your waist, under your T shirt, making your breath hitch.

"What do you say we stop this movie and... get to know each other a bit more?"

It's your turn to smirk. "Honey... I hadn't even noticed we were watching one."

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