The Other Woman-Xiaoting

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inspired by the song, The other woman by Lana Del Ray

Warnings: Angst, angst, lots of angst, and did i mention? angst! insecurities, betrayal, and one more thing; no happy ending.

Word count: 0.6K

Summary: Your girlfriend has been acting distant since a few weeks. You have noticed her hanging out with another girl every chance she gets. She seems very happy with her. Does she love you or her? What happens when you decide to finally confront her?



It was a normal day in college. Well, as normal as it could be since your sweet girlfriend was blatantly ignoring you for the past few days. You were sick and tired of this. It hurt.

You noticed she had been hanging out with Kazuha a lot. Kazuha seemed like a nice girl at first. But then you saw that she seemed happier around her, laughed more with her. She never laughed so openly with you. Break times consisted of you trying to talk to her, spend some time with her, but her speeding out of the class to meet "her". The jealousy inside you grew tenfold. Whenever you saw her, you would get upset, turning around and walking the other way. But then after jealousy came insecurity. You knew you weren't the most beautiful in the class, and you always wondered why she chose you out of all the girls in the class. You knew from the beginning that it was only a matter of time before she found a more beautiful, smart and interesting girl than you. Still, it hurt to think she would move on after just 2 months of dating. You showed her your most vulnerable side, opened up to her, trusted her and she still chose to ignore it and shove your insecurities in your face. You knew this relationship was getting toxic, but you couldn't breakup with her.  You didn't want to become "the other woman" but you love her with all your heart. You lost the number of times you told her how much you loved her. You were feeling used.

And it was for this exact reason you decided to confront her. You feared for the truth. You feared that your suspicions were just your paranoid thoughts, but it was time, you had to hear it out all from Xiaoting's mouth.

"Xioating, we need to talk."

"Sure, what about?"

"About you and Kazuha."

She seemed to freeze for a moment but recovered from her shock rather quickly. "What about Zuha do you wanna talk about?"

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. The nickname bothered you, sighing you ask tiredly, "Do you love her? Or are you falling in love with her?"

Jaw dropping, she said "No of course not! She's just my friend! Where did this come from?"

Her response didn't seem reassuring. So, you asked her, "Why did you choose me? What did you see in me that you decided to make me your girlfriend? Do you even love me anymore? Did you ever love me? OR WAS I JUST A TOY? A TOY FOR YOU TO USE AND THROW WHEN YOU'RE DONE? HUH? TELL ME", you screamed, tears streaming down your face, absolutely done with her bullshit. "I WANT THE TRUTH AND YOU'D BETTER SPIT IT OUT!!" Rage, white hot fury flooded were you. Maybe she sensed your anger, since it was very much apparent, and she obeyed with your command. She sighs and says, "Yes, i like her." At least she had the shame to look guilty.

Three words. Those three words you've been dreading to hear. Your world came crashing down in seconds. You chuckled, humorlessly and said, "I hope you're happy." And with tears in your eyes, you turned around and walked away from the life of your first ever love. You had to accept it was never you she loved.


double updates 🤪

my blood pressure isn't really dropping right now so i decided to write another oneshot, hope you guys like it 🙃

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