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Frank stares at the empty room. It's been pretty empty the day he got here, that's just how all the rooms look. It's not like they can bring much anyways. But it just feels more empty now that he knows that he won't be coming back. Now that he knows that all the clothes are gone from the wardrobes. They're neatly packed in his suitcase.

He lets out a sigh, and takes one final look before he closes the door. One of the nurses leads him down the hall. All the other patients are leaning out of the room to watch him leave. They were all getting ready for bed. Some waved goodbye, and some just stared.

He tried making friends, but he couldn't. So yeah, he didn't feel too bad leaving all these people. He honestly doesn't know how he lived here for two years without socializing with any of these people.

When they get down to the end of the hall, Brendon is busy signing and printing out release forms. Everyone figured out that Dr. Urie was taking one of the patients home, but they didn't know who until this morning. No one's questioning it though, and Franks mom never called to say no, even though she was given the date of Frank's release .

Brendon thinks it's rather cruel. They couldn't have even called to see if he would have a place to go if he wasn't allowed to go back home. Brendon doesn't mention this to Frank though, although he's sure he's figured it out anyways.

Brendon looks up when Frank arrives, and he sends him a smile. His eyes have bags underneath them, and he looks so tired, but he also looks happy. Frank's never felt this kinda love before. With Gerard, it was a romantic, best friend kinda love. With Brendon, it's the kinda love you're suppose to get from your mom.

Frank suddenly walks up to Brendon, and before he properly thinks of what he's doing, he hugs Brendon, so, so tight.

"Thank you so much.", he says.

Brendon smiles, and hugs him back.

Frank pulls away, not bothering trying to hide the smile on his face. Brendon finishes up the last of the paper works, and puts them neatly in a file. He stuffs the copied ones into his backpack, and hands the nurse the original ones.

"Make sure the mother gets this.", he says.

He turns to Frank, offering a hand for the bags, but Frank just shakes his head.

"Well, c'mon, it's time to see the outside world."


Frank keeps to himself for the first few days. It's all over whelming, and he can't find a way to handle of it. He kinda just cries into his pillow for the first two nights, but he finally gets as grip on the third. It's not a firm one, but he's hanging, barely, but hanging.

Frank's sitting on the couch, taking one of the online courses that Brendon signed him up for. He also got Frank his own laptop, and Frank was hesitant on accepting it at first, but Brendon wasn't going to return it, and he finally took it.

Brendon wonders over, sitting next to Frank.

"So...I need to ask you a question."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Wanna go see Gerard tomorrow?"

Heaven and Hell Start With the Same Letter (Frerard AU)Where stories live. Discover now