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"How did you manage to get this?", I ask, staring at the phone in his hands.

"I made friends with one of the nurses, and she said she'd let me borrow it for the afternoon. It took a lot of begging, but it was worth it. She disabled most of the stuff though, like calling, and texting, but that doesn't matter, because I just wanted to listen to music off of it."

I smile, as he leads me down the stairs and into the garden in the back of the hospital. No one goes to this garden because supposedly, somebody jumped off the building and died here. I know it was just rumors though.

"This is a nice place. It's a shame it doesn't get visited more.", I say.

"Yeah.", he says as he pulls me down onto the grass.

The sky was already dark, and there was only two lamp posts out here, making the garden really dark, but it was nice. It was quiet.

"She listens to the same kind of music I listen to, so that was cool.", he says, sitting down next to me.

He starts to play some song I've never heard before, but it was quite good and I liked it. He sets the phone down between us, and turns around so he's facing me.

"I thought it'd be nice to listen to some music, like normal teenagers. I wish they'd let you bring ipods in here. Music was the only thing that made me happy at home."

He sings along to the words, not missing a beat, and his body relaxes.

"Do you like it?", he asks.

I nod, "I never really listened to music at home. I never really did a lot of things."

I look down, a little embarrassed. What kind of teenager doesn't listen to music at the loudest volume, just to piss of their parents?

"I guess, it kinda scared me. I mean, even though I knew it was a song, and just the singer singing, it was someone else's voice, and me being me, and having the thing I have, it kinda scared me."

He gives me a sympathetic look, and skips to the next song.

"I love this song, but it's really sad.", he says.

As the song starts playing, he starts singing along again, except much louder this time.

"I never conquered, rarely came
16 just held such better days
Days when I still felt alive
We couldn't wait to get outside
The world was wide, too late to try
The tour was over we'd survived
I couldn't wait till I got home
To pass the time in my room alone
I never thought I'd die alone
Another six months I'll be unknown
Give all my things to all my friends
You'll never step foot in my room again
You'll close it off, board it up
Remember the time that I spilled the cup
Of apple juice in the hall
Please tell mom this is not her fault"

He opens his eyes as he finishes his singing, and they meet mine. His cheeks turn red and he drops his gaze.

"Sorry, it's just a beautiful song."

"No, I like it when you sing, and this song...it's amazing."

He looks up again, a smile on his face. He leans over and kisses me on the lips.

"When we get out of here, I'm taking you to all the concerts."

"I've never been to a concert.", I say.

"It's the best thing ever. It was the only thing that ever made me feel alive. The feeling you get when the band plays your favorite song, and the entire crowd is singing, it feels amazing."

"Really? Just listening you talk about it, it sounds amazing."

He smiles at me again, and then lays down. I follow him, and lay down next to him. The grass is a little damp, and I can feel the water seeping through my shirt, but I don't mind, it feels kinda nice.

He takes my hand in his, and we just lay there, on the grass, listening to music as we stare at the sky, making plans for later.

I smile.

Heaven and Hell Start With the Same Letter (Frerard AU)Where stories live. Discover now