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Franks hands are shaking slightly. He has his sleeves pulled up to his hand, playing with the hem of it. His sneakers make a small squeaking noise as he walks down the hall. These must be newly polished, he thinks.

When he stops in front of the door, he can hear barking from the other side, and a slightly flustered Gerard. He lets out a chuckle, and raises his hand to knock on the door. He hears another crash, and more barking before the door is pulled open. Gerard's cheeks are tinted red, as if he's been short of breath.

He smiles at Frank.

"Hey. I thought you were coming later."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Brendon had to go to the hospital, so he dropped me off early. I can just... I can just wait outside."

Gerard rolls his eyes, laughing.

"No, I'm glad you're here, I missed you."

He pulls Frank in, closing the door behind them with his hip.

"Is that the only bag you have?"

He nods, "Yeah. It's the bag I took to the hospital."

"Oh. Well, great."

An awkward silence fills the air. Frank looks around the apartment. It looks...normal. There's a brown couch in the middle of the room. It looks old, like it's been bought from a thrift store, but it looks comfortable. There's a coffee table, and a tv in front of it.

Frank decides that he likes normal. He's never had normal, but if this is it, he likes it.

Something cold and wet against Frank's ankle makes him jump, letting out a small yelp.

Gerard giggles, "Right. This is...this is Pepper."

Franks face lights up, and he drops his bag, bending down to pet the dog. Pepper crawls into his lap, licking his face. Frank lets out short laughs.

"So?", Gerard asks.


"I mean, what do you think? Do you think you could live here?"

Frank stands up, walking over to where Gerard is standing. He sets his hands on Gerard's hips.

"If you're with me, I could live anywhere."

Gerard smiles.

Home is where the heart is, they both decide. They've never had a home. Not until now. And Frank's right, as long as they're together, they could be anywhere. Here, back at the hospital, wherever.

Frank's never felt more at home.

Heaven and Hell Start With the Same Letter (Frerard AU)Where stories live. Discover now