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When we walked into the lunch room, all eyes turned on us, but it wasn't like the first day I was here. Those eyes were filled with curiosity, filled with...anger? Confusion? Both?

I grab a tray, and like usual, Gerard just sits down at our table, not bothering to even pretend to grab food. Some heads turn to him, some keep on mine.

The attention is starting to make me shake, and as I walk back, I drop the tray and cup of water in my hands. I quickly kneel down, grabbing the napkins scattered on the floor from the tray, and frantically try to clean up the mess. More eyes are on me now. Gerard runs over, and kneels down next to me, helping with the mess. I can hear them whispering and laughing, and I'm trying to settle my uneven breathing, but what I'm doing only makes it worse. I'm about to pick up another napkin when Gerard grabs my wrist, stopping me.

"I'll ask one of the nurses to clean it up, let's get you back to the room.", he whispers out.

I nod, and he helps me up. He pulls me towards the door, and says something I can't hear to the nurses, and soon, we're walking back to our room.

"What happened? Are you ok?", he asks as he closes the door.

"I-I just...just don't like being the center of attention."

He rubs my shoulder, "Don't worry, they weren't judging you, they were judging me."

I give him a sympathetic look. After hearing what he did to that kid, all the other patients have been avoiding Gerard. Some of them didn't even want to be in the same room with him because they were afraid he would attack them.

I turn around and wrap my arms around him, kissing him on the cheek. I drop my face into the crook of his neck, and feel his hand stroking my neck. Suddenly the door opens, making us jump and pull apart.

"Frank, the doctor wants to see you.", the nurse says, without realizing what's going on.

I look at her, and then back at Gerard.

"I'll be here when you get back.", he says smiling.

That smile could make time stop, and it does every time. Maybe that's how he pulls me out of my episodes. He could do anything with that smile.


I snap out of my haze. I didn't even realize I was staring at Gerard, and I don't think he realized either, because he starts blushing furiously.

I hear the impatient tapping of the nurses foot against the floor, and I finally turn around and follow her out. She leads me to an open door down the hall, and pushes me inside, where a doctor I saw a few weeks ago, was sitting. I think he's the one who prescribes medication here.

"Hello Frank.", he says.

He has a strong accent that I'm not sure where it's from.

"How are you lately? How have you been feeling?"

"I, ugh...fine. I feel fine."

"Right.", he says.

He scribbles something down, humming as he does so. It's really quiet, and besides the humming, the only thing I can hear is the small ticking of the clock on the wall.

"So we've decided to start you on some new meds. They help with anxiety and your depression."

I stare at him, waiting for him to continue. He looks up, and quickly starts again.

"The thing is, one of the most common side effect is hallucination, but these meds are amazing, and they've helped a lot of people."

I look at him like he's crazy. Who ever thought it was good to give people with schizophrenia medication that will make them hallucinate?

Heaven and Hell Start With the Same Letter (Frerard AU)Where stories live. Discover now