Chapter 1

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Karishma is enthralled to see Arnav, they have been skype calling still it's been few months since they last met. They last met in London when Arnav came for a conference and they had a good time. She entered into his office building. She looked around for him, yet no luck. She took her phone and thought about to dial his number. No, she shouldn't, she wanted to surprise him. She kept her phone inside her handbag and asked the first person she could stop to ask about him.

Hi, I am Karishma, here to see arnav, Where can I find him?, she introduced herself

She could see the realization dawned upon the lady's face. Their relationship is no secret here, she has worked with his employees before regarding a project, and her and arnav's relationship had became a breaking news of sorts. Of course, she can't say the same thing about arnav's family, they still had to talk about them to his family.

Yeah mam, sir is in his office, she pointed a room upstairs.

She looked up and found his office, she thanked her and went upstairs. She can hear his voice, he is in the middle of argument in the phone. Right, of course, she is used to his moods now. She hesitated at the door, before she can doubt her decision anymore, she heard his call ended. She knocked at his door.

Come in, His deep voice resonated through the door.

She entered and looked at him. He is lost in his laptop, didn't look up for few seconds to know who has entered his cabin. Then he shaked his head slightly in annoyance that somebody has been silent and disturbing his work.

What the?

Arnav looked up and saw the person standing and smiling at him.


She laughed at him, Surprise!

She couldn't contain her excitement anymore, and she very well couldn't stop smiling at his astonished face. She succeeded in surprising the usually masked man. He rarely shows any emotions.

You? I thought we were meeting at the restaurant for dinner.

And I thought about surprising you just to see your surprised face. I should say it was worth it.

Right, Of course. You would.

She hugged him. She missed him. They started dating and agreed to keep it casual since neither wanted anything serious in the near future, still she actually started to enjoy her time with him, more and more everyday. He hugged her back.

They heard a knock at the door which separated them. A girl stood at the door looking embarrassed.

You, What do you want?

She can hear the irritation in his voice clearly.

I've completed the work sir, she gave a letter to arnav. Is that all?

He snatched the paper harshly, looked at the paper and whatever is in it, only made him more angrier. He put down the paper and looked at the girl with cold eyes.

Another girl entered the room.

Sir, she didn't asked me before seeing you, I'm sorry sir, she said pleadingly to him. And she looked at the girl and go on a rant, Kushi, I told you to wait for me, why didn't you?

Lily, but it's already 5 o clock, and I want to know if I finished the work so that I can go home.

Enough! Arnav's yelling shocked them all, Out!

With that, they both went out with their heads hung. The girl who first came looked at her pensively, glancing at her on her way out.

Karishma didn't know what to make out of this. She knows arnav's anger but what made him so angry. She took the paper in the table and read the content. She couldn't find any mistakes in the letter, which actually confused her more.

Arnav, What's wrong? The letter seems good, what made you angry? And do you always yell at your employees?

Karishma, Just forget it, I don't want to talk about this

Arnav went and sat in his chair and got in his work just like before. What the hell is going on, Karishma couldn't figure out.

I have a meeting in 5 minutes. We will meet at the restaurant at 7 as we agreed.

She is still looking at him with a confused face. The silence again made him look up.


She couldn't find her voice. God, what is wrong with her, just find your voice, ask him what just happened.

Karishma. This meeting is important, if you would have called me, I would have said about the meeting to you.

Okay, I'll meet you at 7

She went to him and gave a one armed hug and went down. Okay, she is not okay, why would she say that she is okay. Somehow this is not she expected from her meeting with him. She expected his annoyance, even his anger, but she didn't know what the hell to make out of what happened in his office. She cursed herself silently, she shouldn't be surprised about his reaction to his employees, he is intolerant when someone invades his privacy. And though she don't want to yell at the girl who disturbed them, she is not exactly happy about the intrusion.

Author's note:

So what do you think of it? Feel free to comment.

Also I request you to keep an open mind of this relationship.

Thank you for reading!

I'm writing at my own pace, which would be for a while. I can only write when the inspiration hits me. So if you are one of the rare readers who will wait, welcome to the story!

I would really advise for the readers to continue with the story if you guys are okay with my pace.

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