Chapter 7

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Granny saw arnav leaving her room. She thought something like this would happen, hence she came to check on her and she caught them red handed. She wanted to talk to the girl for some time, and Anjali just made her job easier. Although she is mad at Anjali for not speaking to her about this, she can't help but agree that this only made her job easier.

She thought to wait to speak to the girl, in case her grand son interrupted them and she was right. Her grandson came to her room and god knows what did they do. She almost interrupted but she wants this ridiculous relationship to be over. And to achieve that she needs to be patient. She would tolerate this nonsense for some minutes before she did the right the wrong done by her grandson.

She really doesn't understand why arnav has chosen this girl who doesn't share any values of her family. Her clothes and talks are way too different for her taste. On the other hand, she knows kushi, a humble Lucknow girl who is so traditional and share her family values. If arnav has chosen kushi, she would have happily accepted, but instead her grandson chose a modern girl who is totally unsuitable to her family.

She released the goat laxmi to the girl's room, the girl shouldn't get suspicious of her after all. By the pool there is another entrance to the room, since it was open, laxmi get into the room and she heard a scream from her room. She smiled at that and entered the room pretending to look for laxmi.

Oh! she is here. Laxmi left and I couldn't find her anywhere, looks like she has come here.

She saw the girl in anjali's night dress, and arnav was here to see her, have the girl has no shame whatsoever. She came to her boyfriend's home and staying the night when elders are present in the home. She can't even imagine anything like this happening in her time, these young people have no culture, tradition and values.

Ah, It's okay granny, the girl replied.

She looked at the girl with laser eyes. She is beautiful, and it is no surprise to her that arnav fall for this outside looks rather than her black heart. These kind of girls only wanted the money and wanted to snatch the men away from their families and she is not going to let that happen. She already has manorama in her home and she is not going to let her grandson make the same mistake as his son.

It's good that laxmi came this way. I wanted to speak to you.

The girl looked taken aback, Yes granny.

Look Ms. Kashyap this may sound so rude, but I am just telling so that everyone can be happy. You are not qualified to be a member of this family, especially you are not good to my grandson.

But granny,

In my house when elders talk, the young people listen, They know good behavior and is well mannered. See this is one of the many qualities for a woman to have to enter this house as a daughter in law. And I can't see even one of that quality in you. I really don't know why arnav chose you, he has known a good number of good lucknow traditional well mannered respectful girls. Maybe he just wanted to anger me. But I won't let him or you ruin our family's prestige and respect. We are a respectful family.

She looked at the shock in her face. Good. She knows how to handle these kind of girls.

Arnav may think that his relationship is his own, but it also includes the family. I am the head for this family and I would never approve of this hideous relationship. The sooner it end, the better for everyone.

She turned away from her as she had said the things said, she planned to tell and she hopes that the girl understands and leave the house tomorrow.

One minute granny. I think I have been way too respectful to the person who found every way to insult me and my family.

She stopped at that. The girl has the audacity to talk to her back, how dare she?

Ms Kashyap,

Enough granny. Just enough. You don't even try to get to know me yet you keep on insulting.

I know enough, you don't want to marry arnav.

Because I don't believe in.

Believe? Really? What is wrong with you?

Me. I am fine granny. I just think the relationship between two people are more important than society's rules. Arnav believes the same.

The young people in this generation have neither respect nor manners.

And insulting a guest who came to your home the first time is manners?

This girl is atrocious. Devayani seethed with anger. The girl is looking at her with strong determination.


My relationship with arnav is based upon the two of us. If we have the support of our family, then it's well and good, if not we are okay with it.

You, you can't talk to me like that. This is my home and my rules.

I'll go the first thing in the morning before even anyone wakes up. Now I would really like to sleep, can u please leave the room?

She wanted to say something to her but she is seething with rage and words didn't come out. So, she left the room. That's it. I've had enough of this manner less girl.

Author's Note :

Character's names:

Granny - Devayani

Uncle - Mohan

Aunt - Manorama

Pet goat - Laxmi

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