Chapter 5

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Karishma looked around the house curiously. This is the first time she is visiting India and she is staying at the hotel and so this is her first view of an Indian home. She looked arnav who gave an encouraging nod. They were sitting in the sofa and chatting. Anjali and aunty joined after they ate.

There's a guest room in lower floor. It will always be ready, so you can stay at that room Karishma, Anjali announced.

Okay sis, sure.

Wait wait, you are calling her sis and me bro, that's not good to hear, Isn't it? You should call Anjali a different name, shyam told the members.

This created smiles at the members including her. Anjali laughed happily at shyam.

I don't know then, maybe you all can suggest something to me.

Oh please, Anjali would be fine, Anjali supplied.

Okay then.

All agreed and chatted some more. Shyam went to kitchen to fetch some water.

Why were you all late?

She heard the voice and she can see the surprise in all of their faces. She knows it is arnav's granny but she couldn't see her since she is facing the opposite side.

Granny, you are not asleep? Anjali asked.

I was waiting for you all Anjali but nodded off, but I woke up now.

Helo hi bye bye, aunty murmured.

Anjali looked pensively at her and nodded at her. This is it then.

Granny this is Karishma Kashyap, she came to temple with us, since it got late we asked her to come with us.

Hello granny, she greeted her with folded hands.


She can feel the disappointment and the disapproval emanating from arnav's granny and she couldn't help but felt unwelcomed all of a sudden. She doesn't understand how one can feel this way about someone when they didn't even try to get to know them.

Anjali, what are you trying to do?

Granny's voice was condemning, and she can see the guilt passing over anjali's face. She is slowly understanding the tension now. Anjali lied about the granny's wish to see her. Judging by the granny's face, she don't want anything to do with her. She felt betrayed somewhat, she never reacted well when someone lies to her. And this good night is spiraling into disaster by time.

I can't believe you did something like this. I've made myself clear about this, yet you went and invited Ms. Kashyap to our house?

She never been insulted like this before and she wanted to storm away. She saw arnav went forward with anger in his face, he is going to have an argument with his granny on behalf of her. Is this what's been happening these few weeks, Is that why arnav has tried his level best to keep their relationship out of his granny's ears? She feels embarrassed by all this. But before her boyfriend tried to talk, another voice defended her.

Ma, There is nothing wrong with what Anjali did. We all want to know about the girl arnav liked and it would be wrong to judge someone without even meeting them.

That's enough, I know how the men of this house choses. They chose wrong girls for this family. I was right before. I am right now.

Helo hi bye bye, aunty went away with slight tears in her eyes.

Karishma have no idea what to make of this. She knows that she is being insulted but she didn't know why aunt flew away. She saw uncle signaling akash to go after his mother and he went after giving an apologetic smile to her.

Ma. I think we should be rational about this. It was already late and it would not be wise if we send her away like this. The guest room is good and she can stay the night and go away in morning.

Of course, you support arnav in this. Maybe he had learned it from you how to disrespect elders.

Karishma wanted to run away from this place now. She has seen fights in her family but never like this, it actually doesn't make sense. Granny is getting angry at her own son for god knows what.

Granny. I thought I was clear about my relationship too. But you

Arnav, shyam interrupted her boyfriend

Hello granny, shyam bent down and touched granny's feet to seek blessings. Granny blessed him.

Shyam I didn't know you are here. It's a good thing that you came. Maybe you can knock some sense into these people.

She can actually see that arnav is seething with rage.

Granny, we are all tired. I think it would be best if we all get some sleep now. We can talk in morning, shyam tried to persuade her


We'll talk in morning granny, we all are going to be here. Anjali show Karishma to the guest room, so that she can rest.

She can see that shyam signaled Anjali and Anjali took her away from the spectacle with a worried look.

Karishma didn't know how she got into the room, she is too dumbfounded by what has happened.

Karishma, don't worry na, everything would be alright.

That brought her to the real world.

I don't know Anjali, till I met your granny I was positive that we can work it out. But I'm not so sure. By the way why did you tell me that she wants to meet me? I can see that it's not the case.

I thought that granny would be more understanding once she sees you, you know she will grow to accept you.

I highly doubt that Anjali. I appreciate what you are trying to do but please don't lie to me. I understand your good intentions and I am happy that we have all of your support but please be honest with me.

Anjali nodded at that.

Sure Karishma, are you okay now?

I'll be, thanks.

Okay, good night.

Good night.

Karishma can see that Anjali didn't buy her lie, but she is too concerned over granny that she didn't even try to convince Anjali that she really is okay. She is not okay. She saw Anjali going with a worried look in her face. She went and sat by the pool.

Anjali went and came back with her night dress to give it to her, and looked for her. She found her by the pool and she don't want to disturb her today so she left the clothes in the bed and closed the door slowly. She will talk to her tomorrow.

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