Chapter 10

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Anjali went with the aarti to welcome Karishma and arnav.

Anjali. She is not going to be the daughter in law of this house since there is no marriage, why are you even bothered about this?

Anjali thought, not now. It's been going well till now. And she saw her husband convincing her granny about this. She felt so grateful that she is married to this man. He has solved the problem between his brother and his granny amicably. As long as he is with them, everything in their family would be alright.

She can see the curious face of Karishma when she had done the aarti, when she welcomed them. The tension was like a wall, everyone welcomed her but their granny. Arnav caught on that and she can see the smile fading from karishma's face. Anjali prayed that this goes well, so that his brother can at least think about marriage. She knows it is of no use talking to her brother about this. So, she thought maybe when he see how their family treats his girlfriend and him, he might think about it. But she is now scared that granny will go back to her old self. She looked at her husband. He assured her with eyes and murmured something in her granny's ears.

Welcome to our home, Ms. Kashyap, come in.

Even though it didn't sound that convincing, she is actually happy to see a smile in karishma's face. They all went in and chatted for some time. But her granny was silent and Karishma is listening silently. Thank god, her aunty is filling everyone with her talkative nature, she has eased the tension in the room.

Karishma gave the cupcakes she brought to the family but that went downhill when she learned that arnav's family is vegetarian. She is disappointed to find out that non veg is not allowed in the house, she likes non veg. She doesn't eat daily but she prefer it twice or thrice a week. She knows that arnav eat non veg when he is out, so she concluded that she will follow the same.

I'm tired, arnav, can you show me our room so that I can refresh? Karishma asked.

Yeah sure, arnav replied with concern.

They both got up and was leaving.

Anjali felt nervous and she saw her granny seething with anger. She saw her husband giving anxious looks too, like he doesn't know what to do. God, can't you just help us with this, she prayed.

One minute, Ms. Kashyap.

That stopped them. They turned towards her granny.

You may be from London but in our home, in our country we have some rules, traditions that we follow.

Those two looked at each other without a clue. She understands the misunderstanding now, they asked her to live in with them, their family, while in their country live in with boyfriend is sharing the home including the room. His husband saw the realization dawning upon his face too and his hands almost went to his forehead. God, since they were so focused on how to convince granny, all of them didn't focus on the words they used.

Granny, arnav tried to question what the fuss is about, but he was cut off.

When I and the family agreed with Ms. Kashyap living in with us, what we meant is that we are okay with her living in our home, not your room.

That seemed to confuse the couples more. Right she and her husband have to rectify this.

It's our fault granny, we were not clear when we asked her about this arrangement.

Yeah, I agree son in law, there is a misunderstanding here which only proves my point that Ms. Kashyap is not,

Granny, I think we should let Karishma get some rest, she is already looking tired from the flight.

Anjali saw karishma's thankful look at Shyam, arnav reflected it. They asked her to move in immediately since they feared if granny go through a change of heart. So, after she landed, arnav brought her to the hotel she stayed and vacated and brought her straight home. Anjali knows that she never rested her eyes since she came on the flight after a full night meeting.

She saw Karishma pressed her hands with arnav and nod at him when he tried to talk with his granny. She is growing to like his brother's girlfriend. Karishma didn't make a fuss about the misunderstanding and she appreciated that the girl is trying her best to be a part of this family. She can work with her and change her to someone who granny approves.

Anjali looked at her granny coming to a decision.

There are guest rooms in this house, she can stay in that for this one month. I think the room in ground floor,

Arnav seethed at that. She have to say this, her granny is trying to sabotage all her plans. Nobody can soothe when arnav is in anger. Karishma tried to soothe it out regarding the misunderstanding, but her granny's plan to put both of them in separate floor just seems to provoke arnav more. Then came her husband's voice.

First floor would be great granny, don't you think? That room is large and comfortable, and it would be wise if we gave that room to Karishma since she is going to stay here for a while. The ground floor guest room is for emergencies so it's best if we kept it vacant. Ramprakash, take these things to the first floor guest room.

Anjali wanted to hug and kiss her husband for solving the problem before it erupts further.

She saw Karishma giving an understanding look to arnav and thankful look to shyam and respectful look to all of them before leaving the room. Arnav was looking at her leaving with a closed look in his face. Anjali tried to make his look, but it was composed and she has no idea what to think of it.

Once arnav saw the door of karishma's room got closed, he looked back at the family. Oh no, she knows that look. Her brother just postponed his anger for karishma's sake, he is not going to let granny get away with this.

Really granny? Why are you insulting us if you wanted to make this really work?

Arnav, shyam tried to interfere but arnav cut him off.

Jijaji, we are trying too, to be a part of this family. But honestly if this is the way granny will treat us for the rest of karishma's stay here, we should better pack and leave. Because I refuse to accept these insults anymore.

With that arnav left the hall to his room.

What have I done now? Is he expecting me to allow them to stay in his room, granny asked.

No granny, that was understandable and they both agreed silently for your rule even with the misunderstanding of the live in thing. Live in meant sharing a room to them while we meant sharing home. But when you refuse to give Karishma a room in the same floor as arnav, they took it as an insult. Granny this is going to be a two way street na, we talked about this, shyam said with exasperation.

Honestly, I agree with Arnav here, Uncle spoke and left off.

Helo hi bye bye, aunt murmured and left off too.

Akash also gave a tired sigh and left them to deal with their granny.

Granny looked towards her for understanding. But she is not sure what to say. In the end her husband convinced granny to be more welcoming towards Karishma.

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