Chapter 14

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Granny, I told you clearly that Karishma's cooking skills are insignificant to our lives, Arnav tried to reason.

When Manorama cried about granny's dislike of dishes, granny revealed that she lied so that she could get the truth out of them. Manorama was surprised to hear granny's plan. Granny also asked everybody to stay out and claimed that no one should help Karishma.

Ma, this is getting out of hand. Why are you bothering the girl so much?

I think I know how to treat people in my home, granny claimed.

That seemed to set Arnav off. He murmured that this is pointless.

He stood and went looking for his girlfriend. Shyam tried to ease the tension.

Granny, she will learn eventually everything, give her some time na

And why is that, Shyam? That girl came here as Arnav's girlfriend not to be a cook in this house. What skills she has or hasn't shouldn't be a problem at all. I think we all should stop giving in to ma's ridiculous rules and start treating each other with respect, uncle retorted.

Mohan, granny yelled.

That's enough ma. That's more than enough. I had already reached my patience limit of your treatment of me and my wife. I won't let you carry on with the same mistreatment to the next generation too. You are going to respect the girl. If you can't accept her as daughter of this house, then you shall accept her as the guest of this house.

Oh really! If not, what will you do my son?

We will get out of this house. Me, my wife and my son, all of them. And judging by the reaction I think Arnav and Karishma will make the same decision.

Uncle, Anjali interrupted nervously.

This is really getting out of hand Anjali. And I won't tolerate this nonsense anymore.

Manorama and Akash look mortified at the events spiraling. Granny looked shocked; she couldn't believe what she is hearing.

You will leave this house and your mother for a working-class gold digger you didn't even know.

That's just enough ma. How can you even say that about that girl. You expected manners from everyone while you go on without any. Karishma is a good person. That girl has been always nice to us and respected us. And I think she is a good influence on Arnav. And to answer your question, No I was trying to get out of your home since I got married. The only reason why I didn't go through my plan is my wife.

Your wife? granny asked incredulously.

Ya ma, my wife, Manorama. The daughter-in-law you hate and disrespect so much. She is the one who convinced me to be patient, that one day you will accept her as the daughter of this house. But all I saw is your unfair treatment of her. Since she wanted this family so much, I put up with everything. But not anymore. If I can't put a full stop to your unfairness now, I don't think there will be an end to this at all.

Uncle please, let's be,

No, Shyam. I have been patient for heaven knows how many years. Not anymore.

Uncle looked at his wife and caught her hands in his.

This is our proposal ma. I know it's your house. So, I'll say this once. You can either treat us and our relationship with respect, Me and My wife and Arnav and the innocent girl who trusted him or we all can leave this house. It's your choice. But I should warn you, if you think that you will get back to your old behavior after a few days, I'll keep my promise too. The next time you insult the daughters who came to our family will be the last time you will see us as a family. I promise.

Uncle left the table and aunty followed him with tears. Akash left the table silently agreeing with his dad. Anjali and Shyam's pleas went into thin air. Granny was shocked to form to talk for a while.

I can't believe this is happening. How can he talk to me like that? How could he?

Shyam and Anjali consoled granny and assured her that they will sort out everything. They went looking for uncle and aunty. They found Akash consoling his mother and uncle was standing solemnly at the window.

Uncle, we don't want to disturb you, Shyam asked with concern.

He waved them in. And when they try to console uncle, he stood his ground and announced that his decision is final. He also informed them that they should check on Arnav and Karishma first. When they asked if uncle and aunty can come and talk to them, uncle said.

We need a few minutes; we will join you both in a while. But please remember this Shyam, ma should accept my decision in this matter.

We'll talk to granny uncle. Please don't worry, Shyam agreed. 

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