Chapter 15

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Karishma sat on the bed and tried to calm herself. She needs to get out of this home. When they try to serve the dinner, she thought it would be fun to get a good reaction out of granny. But it backfired. The thing is if she had pulled this same in her own house, her family would have laughed it off, but here she was insulted. She needs to pack her things and go to her hotel, but before that she has to calm down.

Arnav came into her home and tried to console her. Usually it helps, but not this time. She has reached a saturation point in patience. She is a human being, and she would like to be treated as one.

Karishma. You know these things are not important to me, right?

The important thing here is Arnav, that I am being insulted more and more every day and I don't want to take it anymore.


No Arnav. I'm just. I just can't. Not anymore.

She went and stood by the pool. She saw Arnav come and stand near her. The silence was heart wrenching.

When you asked to come and live here, when you told me that your granny wants to give us a chance, I know that it's not entirely the case. I assumed that she agreed for the sake of your family. But I thought that maybe, just maybe we can be decent towards each other. But things are only getting worse. She confessed to him.

Do you think we are making a mistake Arnav?

Before Arnav could answer, she heard a cough. They turned to see Anjali and Shyam there.

The door was open, and we couldn't find you both, so we got in. We didn't mean to interrupt, Shyam said.

She wanted to mentally berate herself for not being careful. She respects privacy just as Arnav, but both were so focused on something else that they forgot to lock the door.

No bro. It's okay, she answered.

Karishma, I know granny was rude, but she was just upset that you didn't make the dishes. I understand that cooking was not easy to you, but if you were honest about who made the dishes granny,

Before Anjali could keep on with her explanation, she interrupted.

Is that the real problem here, Anjali? I accept that lying is not a solution and I felt guilty for doing this. I take full responsibility for what I have done. And I will try my level best not to repeat this again. But honestly, I get the feeling that the real reason why granny got upset is not my cooking ability nor my lying, it's just me, Karishma claimed.

Anjali looked at her husband exasperatedly. Karishma is tired of all this, so she didn't bother to hide her feelings.

Karishma, we understand you. Granny should have been more considerate.

Bro, please, I respect you all but this,

We get that. We are not going to support granny's behavior.

I highly doubt that bro. No offense, but nobody can change granny's opinions about me.

Both Anjali and Shyam looked at each other. They looked at Arnav's for help. But his boyfriend was silent. They both looked like they came to decision together.

Karishma, we totally understand you. But can you give us a last chance?


Karishma, Last chance, that's all we are asking. If this doesn't work out, we won't ask anything of you.

Maybe we all can give us a last chance for us being a family, uncle's voice filled the silence.

They all looked and found uncle and aunt standing. Karishma was dumbstruck, Arnav looked surprised, Anjali and Shyam looked relieved, Uncle and aunty looked determined.


Arnav and Karishma, I know you both have every reason to get out of this home. And I apologize that I let this happen so far.

Uncle no, please, don't apologize, Karishma and Arnav said in unison.

They both looked at each other and an unsaid understanding passed between them. What they didn't realize is that everyone looked at them in understanding too.

Fine fine, if that's how both of you feel, you both should listen to your uncle and give this family a last chance, don't you think? Aunty claimed.

Karishma is stuck now. Gods, the love she is receiving outshines everything she has gone through in this house. Arnav looked at her pleadingly. That's a first. He never requests let alone plead. He is used to giving to orders and ultimatums. She nods her head at him which brought a bright smile to his face.

Okay aunty and uncle, it's a deal, Arnav answered with a hint of smile.

Everyone smiled at that. Anjali and Shyam looked relieved at the events unfolding. They know they must convince granny about this. But they know that they will do that with a little bit of persuasion.

Good, now that's everything settled, we all should eat. Everybody should be hungry by now. I've asked Akash to ask the workers to bring the food to our room. Let's go, aunt ordered.

Uncle looked at aunt proudly. Everybody can feel the tension leaving the room.

Granny didn't eat too, Anjali claimed softly.

Anjali, you and Shyam go and eat with mom. We can all talk later, uncle ushered them.

That's how Karishma and Arnav ended up in uncle and aunt's balcony. It was refreshing to both of them. Akash went back into teasing mode and successfully diverted all their minds to laughter. When they get back to her room after their late night dinner with their family, both of them were filled with joy. They said good byes and went to sleep.

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