Chapter 24

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Karishma is finishing her breakfast along with Arnav's family when aunty brought up the subject of celebrating Krishna Jayanti. She knows about the festival, and she even prays in their home too, but it seems like it was more celebrated here.

Arnav bid his farewell to everyone, and Anjali asked Arnav to get some pooja things. Kushi came after he left and seemed excited about the festival.

Karishma, today I will teach you about Krishna, his life and Krishna Jayanti celebrations and pooja.

I know about all of it, she replied nonchalantly.

Granny, Aunty and Anjali were shocked to hear about it. After a moment of silence, Karishma looked around the faces in the living room and see that they are all shocked to hear her.

My dad is from India, remember? I may choose to not follow some rules, but my dad is a nonstop speaker whenever it comes to India.

So, you guys were celebrating the festivals there too? Anjali asked curiously

We pray on these occasions, yes anjali, but not like this, It's usually a small prayer in our home. But my father will always tell us how it was celebrated in India. And Krishna is one of my favourite gods, she confessed

Favourite? Granny asked with shock.

It seems like she is still in shock that I know these things.

You know he is a God, right? And you are saying like that he is one of your favourites? Granny doubted

I love and respect Krishna as a god, but I also like some of his qualities and also the role he played in Mahabharata.

You know Mahabharata? Aunty asked not trusting her ears.

Yeah aunty, I know Ramayana too. My dad is an exceptional storyteller, and I can't get enough of his stories. One of my favourite stories is his narration of Mahabharata. So, yeah I know most of the stories about Krishna, she told everyone while eating grapes.

And you treat the epic mythologies as mere stories, I guess? Just stories and characters right? Granny asked

Karishma looked at granny. She knows that she should just lie that she believes that it is history, but she doesn't want to. And she can also sense granny's conflict in her eyes, she knows that this will become another reason for her to hate her, but she saw something in her eyes, something new, something she didn't see before in her.

I love god Krishna and Mahabharata story yes, That's all can say for now granny, she surmised.

Aunty then dispersed the tension in the room with the pooja preparations. Kushi went on to teach about the pooja, tradition, culture and the celebrations along with it to her.

Granny went into her room contemplating what Karishma said. She is sure that Karishma doesn't believe the epics as histories but as mere folklores but something she said about the god struck with her. She know that she loves and respect our gods, she may not follow tradition and culture but she was always genuine in her prayers. She has noticed that since she has entered in her home. In that case, the girl is not like Arnav, Arnav doesn't believe in god, but karishma believes in god. Sure, she doesn't believe in the mythologies, tradition and cultural rules but the girl was true in her love of god.

She still doesn't know how to react to this kind of devotion to god, It's not so evident, but it's always present in her, like air, most people wouldn't be able to see it. She know that Arnav is only coming to temple, to god for the sake of Anjali. And she has no doubt that he also does the same thing for his girlfriend, and if this relationship continues, her grandson will get to be in touch with her gods even he doesn't believe in it. Sure, it won't be the same, but it is something that is good, she sees in this relationship.

Her grandson won't get alienated thoroughly from her culture. And that thought has been growing in her recently. But still, she doesn't know what to do with this information. For now, she will get through Krishna Jayanti and leave her worries to the almighty himself.

Author's Note :

Thank you all for the love and patience!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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