Chapter 22

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Shyam came and apologized to anjali and made up with her.

Then Anjali guided her to tie the rakhi to shyam brother. She tied the rakhi.

Ok then. It's settled now karishma. You are officially my sister. And if you have any problems with anyone, just let me know and I will take care of everything, Shyam claimed dutifully.

Karishma smiled at that. Everyone laughed heartfully. She looked at Arnav who is looking at her with adoration. The butterflies in her stomach came back. She thought that she could never be happy at least not wholly but she realized now that no matter what, her boyfriend will make her happy.

Arnav went to his girlfriend's room and saw that she is with her laptop in the poolside. She looked at him and smiled and mouthed 2 minutes for her work. He smiled and nodded.

He couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty of her. He has to admit that he thought her as pretty when he first saw her but he didn't think about it in a serious way.

The longer he spends time with her the stronger his feelings for her grew. At first, he was taken aback to be honest. He was not looking for a relationship. But he found himself seeking her company more and more even when there is no reason.

And now, she is in his home. It all feels so surreal yet real at the same time. He only hopes that he treats her right and give her the respect and care she deserves.

Hmm, so what's the conclusion?

Hm. What?

You seem so lost in your thoughts, I've called you twice.

She raised her eyebrows playfully at her.

He seemed embarrassed by that. She does that always with him. Only few lucky people know her playful side and he is lucky to be one of them.

It just a work thing, he lied.

He can't just say his thoughts about her. He is not sure what his feelings are. But he just knows that he wants her company probably for life. He also wanted to keep his thoughts to himself for now. His girlfriend gave him a look that she didn't believe him at all but changed the subject so he released a breath of air in relief. Good, he is not ready to talk about his feelings to anyone, not yet.

I know this is not right,


This training thing my family is doing.

That made her silent. Her face looks masked. He felt a sharp pain in his chest at her reaction. She always shown his feelings to her. He always felt grateful for her trust. But this is the first time since they dated, she has masked her feelings. And he couldn't bear this not even for a moment.

He came to a decision then, of course the final call would be Karishma's but he is done with his family. He wants his Karishma to be happy, he wants both of them to be happy. He doesn't need more battles, they both have more than enough of that already.

He went and took her hands. The feel of her always calms him.

Let's get out. Let's move into a house of your choice. We have a good number of properties and you can choose whichever home you want. Let's move and live our time together in the way we want.

Karishma looked at him with widened eyes. And he looked at her with determination. He knows that he has to make her see that he means every word of him.

But you just brought her for the work. And now, you are asking me to go out of this home. What will your family think about that? I

I don't care what they think.

He meant it. He is just fed up with his family's machinations. She is right, I shouldn't have brought Kushi back, but it was the only solution at that time. But that doesn't mean it's right. Seeing his girlfriend and trying to imagine him in her place made everything so clear. He would have stormed out of her home, if he was treated like this in Karishma's home. He would have barged out long back. But Karishma didn't.

Even after everything, she stayed in the place where she is mistreated. She doesn't deserve this at all. And he has been patient long enough already. They should have been moved out long back.

I know that's a mistake Rish, but we can rectify our mistake. It's not too late you know. Just say the word and we can move out in the morning.

Karishma looked at her boyfriend dumbstruck. Here it is. The man she fall for. Yes, she can no longer deny the inevitable. She tried to brush off her feelings as a mere temporary infatuation but the reality is laughing at her in the face. She is in love. She is irrevocably in love with this understanding, caring & loving man before her. Her man. Her Arnav.

All this time she wants to get out of this place and be with her boyfriend somewhere safe & somewhere wanted. And her man is proposing exactly that. Not more than she could offer, not less than she deserves. Just the thing she wants and needs. He is looking at her like she is the most important thing in the world and waiting for her answer. 

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