Chapter 17

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He saw his girlfriend waking up from sleep. She was surprised to find him in her room. He is sitting in the sofa beside the bed looking at her with care. He wanted to check on her. He also would like for her to hear about her friends from him rather than anyone.


Hi. How are you feeling? Arnav asked with concern.

Better actually. All I needed a good night's sleep it seems. It's been a while I slept a good amount of time.

Arnav gave her tea. He munched on what she said. So, the real reason for Karishma's headache was not the crowd, it was lack of sleep. He cursed himself for not noticing that earlier. He understands why his girlfriend didn't sleep much in her stay here. The situation in the home didn't let his girlfriend sleep. And the situation now is not getting any better. He has to say it to her.

He narrated the behavior of her friends last night. Karishma went to shock and disappointment.

I told them that drinks were not allowed.

Apparently, they brought their own drinks. Akash stopped it before anything serious happened.

God, Karishma said tiredly.

What should I do now Arnav, After all, everything we went through, she asked desperately.

You should talk to granny. Maybe you can apologize to her for your friend's behavior, Arnav asked.

Right. Of course. You are right. Gods. Why can't we just get a break? She took a handful of hair in her hands in frustration.

He agreed on that. He is also relieved that she would apologize on behalf of her friend's behavior, he knows that she is not guilty of the things happened. He would like to have a break too. Maybe he should plan a trip with Karishma so that they can get off time from all this.

He kissed her forehead and assured that they will be alright. She smiled faintly at that.
Karishma don't want to let go of Arnav, she needs him by her side. But she knows that she has to face this alone. And she has to do it before she goes to her office.

She found Anjali in her room, and she tried to console Anjali for Shyam's absence yesterday. Arnav had narrated some of the night's events.

It's okay Karishma. It's fine.

But she can tell by Anjali's face that she is not fine. She can't blame the woman, anybody in her position would react worse than Anjali. Husband leaving in their own wedding anniversary is just an insult. Karishma couldn't understand Shyam, one time he is the perfect example of a husband, other times he did come out as a person who gives more importance to his work rather than his wife.

But before she delved into the matter further, Anjali brought out her in the real world by asking about her health. She assured her she was fine. Then came the thing she didn't want to address, but she has no choice here. She told Anjali that she would like to talk to granny. She asked both Anjali and aunt to be by her side, she doesn't want to be with granny alone, not now.

Granny was not amused to find her along with them.

I'm sorry granny on behalf of my friends. I've warned them but they must have thought it was a prank or something. But whatever the reason, their behavior is unacceptable, and I apologize, she said with conviction.

She can see that granny doesn't want to forgive her, but Anjali convinced her to. She kind of expected that. Karishma is under no delusion that this would be easy.

She went to office to get some things done. She is working from home, but she needs to sort somethings out in the office before continuing.


Author's Note:

Thank You all my readers.... Thank you for all the support...

It means a lot.

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