Chapter 9

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You are teasing me, right?

Actually, I'm not, he shot her a daring smile.

Karishma looked at him shockingly. They are in a restaurant having breakfast. And just when they started to enjoy the dessert he shocked her with his and his family's proposal. She knows how much difficult it is to ask his granny to even speak to her let alone accepting her to live in with arnav in their home.

Arnav are you sure?


I'm not asking about granny nor your family. I'm asking about you.

Arnav was taken aback by that. Ever since this subject has been opened, nobody asked his opinion. She is the first one cared enough to ask about his feelings and thoughts.

What about you?

Don't change the topic.

No, I'm not. We have been actually dating for more than a year now, are you ready to take the next step?

Arnav really wanted to know her answer.

I asked first, she challenged him.

He showed his hands in defeat.

Fine you win. My honest answer is I'm not sure about this. Do I want a future with you? Absolutely, Yes. Do I want to move in with you? Of course, yes. In fact, I already planned to ask you to move in with me before all this happened. It's been in my head for some time after you informed me that you will be in the country for a while. But this? With my family, I'm really not sure.

She didn't believe people when they mentioned that they will have butterflies in their stomach when they are with their loved ones. But when he admitted that he had planned to move in with her even before the ruckus, she felt the stupid butterflies effect she denied existing.

She looked at him and tried to hide her feelings for the man.

About the move in with his family, She felt exactly the same as him and nobody can fault her after the disastrous night at his home.

There is a but coming?

Arnav looked at the smart and gorgeous woman with intense eyes. This understanding between them initially scared him, but he had grown to enjoy it. But he is not going to answer this.

I think I've answered your question, now your turn, he challenged her.

She rolled her eyes at him playfully.

Fine. But your family is trying to make your granny accept us. I know it would have not been an easy task. I've met your granny. So, if not for your granny, at least for your family members who are trying on our behalf, we should consider this?

She finished for him. He wanted to hug her for this, yet he sat and looked at her with admiration.

So?, he shown his agreement to the deal.

She is nervous as hell about his family.

Ok, we'll do it then.

She raised her milkshake at him. He smiled at that.

That butterflies came back. Heavens, she is in trouble. She should really need to get herself together.

Arnav gave karishma's answer to his family and see all of their faces lit up except one. He don't want to focus on the negative, not now, so he went to his room.

He freshened up and gone towards his garden. Finally, everything is going well.

His family has agreed to his girlfriend moving in with him. Karishma's face came in his thoughts. He knows that she is nervous about this arrangement but he is glad that she accepted. Then came another face who announced that she is going to lucknow forever. It actually bothered him so much for days before he focused his head in the things that mattered. Maybe everything is for the best. He doesn't have to face kushi anymore, the girl always bothered him, not in a good way.

Now he can be more at ease concentrating on his professional and personal life.

Author's Note :

Since this is a work in progress, the editing will be done along with my writing. Bear with me. Meanwhile your patience is appreciated. Thanks for reading and voting!

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