Chapter 21

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She woke up from her thoughts and she wiped her tears in haste, but Anjali already saw the tears.

She only felt grateful that Arnav didn’t saw her tears, he is facing his sister and karishma is standing beside him.

Anjali, You gave us a scare you know, please don’t ever do that

That seems to lighten the mood. Anjali smiled at her. Anjali saw a smile forming in his brother’s lips.

Then Anjali looked at someone at back.

Kushi ji?

She looked at Arnav for answer.

Karishma looked back at Kushi, She is standing with an umbrella seeing all of them.

I’ve asked her to come back, She is going to work in our home, Arnav told her.

Chote, that’s, Maybe I should follow this routine of running from home. Then I will get my way all the time, Anjali teased

That only made Arnav looked worried.

Di, Do you really think this is a joke? If you ever repeat this again,

Ok, ok, don’t get worried, I was just teasing you, Can we go home now?

Arnav smiled at that. They all went back home.

Everyone at home seemed relieved at last to find Anjali. All of them scolded her a little bit for scaring the hell out of them. But shyam is nowhere to be seen, aunt said that he was stuck in traffic.

Anjali started the pooja and everyone prayed. Then she brought the rakhi to Arnav.

Anjali always makes rakhi’s by hand. It was a thing between the siblings from childhood, aunt informed her.

Arnav teased his sister a little by waving his hands around before succumbing to her. That brought a smile to everyone’s faces.

Karishma, do you celebrate Raksha Bandan in your home?

No, Anjali, we never did. My granny used to tell stories but that’s it,

Nani seemed to disagree on this matter.

But she just told the truth, it’s not like she wants to displease Nani.

Oh, Maybe, you can celebrate it here? Anjali asked

I, I don’t believe in these things Anjali, she replied.

She knows that she is not going to be in Nani’s good books anytime soon. But she might as well be honest if she is going down. And she can see the displeasure radiating from Nani and anjali. At that time kushi’s voice interrupted them

It’s not about belief Karishma ji, It’s about tradition and culture. It’s a tradition for sisters to tie rakhi to their brothers. Our ancestors believed that would strengthen their bond.

Even if I want to, I don’t have a brother here, Karishma told them. She really didn’t want to argue at this time, now only they got anjali back.

You can tie rakhi to my husband na, you are already calling him as brother only, Anjali answered

Oh, Yes. I can do that. But where is bro? Is he still stuck in traffic?

I’ll call him, just a few minutes.

Anjali then tied rakhi to akash.

Kushi ji, You can tie rakhi to my husband too.

Kushi smiled at that and agreed.But shyam didn’t come for a long time. Anjali seemed upset at that but kushi consoled her and left.

Author's note :

Hello all! I know it's been a while. But I've finished a few chapters so Enjoy reading...

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