Chapter 13

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Karishma was not ashamed of her lack of cooking skills. In fact, she liked cooking and would love to try, but the results were always disastrous, so she put a distance from it. But she can see that it has become one of the thousand reasons for arnav's granny to hate her.

Ms.Kashyap, I think you should make dinner today, granny announced

What? Me? But granny. Dinner. How?

You shall make dinner tonight. In our times it is custom that the new girls make dinner in the house. Because we know that the way to your man's heart is through his stomach

Karishma wanted to disagree. But before she even opened her mouth, granny ordered many dishes which were totally new to her. With that granny went out of the room.

Don't worry Ms.Kashyap. That rule doesn't apply to both of you since you are already in arnav's heart, Aunt claimed

Anjali assured her that she will help her, but aunt reminded her of the temple anjali has wanted to go. When anjali seemed to panic, aunt assured her that she will take care of the situation. Karishma is conflicted about the things happening.

She tried to read a cookbook when laxmi interrupted her.

God, really, you scared me laxmi

What is she doing here? Aunt shooed her away. She instructed a help to keep an eye on granny and asked him to warn if granny comes this way. This is all getting very silly.

What is in your hands? Aunt asked her

She was silent, she appreciated aunt's help, but she highly doubts if granny will agree.

I told you na, that I will help you. Don't you believe me?

No no aunty, it's just that I thought I get an outlook.

Oh, don't worry, we'll be fine, aunt claimed.

But they were not fine. Fifteen minutes in the kitchen made aunt realize that she is hopeless in the kitchen. She tried to apologize and try to help which only made things worse. Hence karishma was asked to not do anything important in order to save the dinner. She admitted her failure reluctantly. They were almost got caught when granny suddenly interrupted their cooking. Luckily, for them aunt went away for few minutes, hence they escaped. But granny increased the menu which didn't help their situation at all.

Dinner time came. When she told aunt that they should be honest about who prepared the dinner, aunt asked her not to say anything. She said that it is granny's test and she want karishma to pass out. But karishma couldn't help but feeling guilty to take credit for someone's work. Aunt also convinced her that it's not a big deal and advised her not to take everything seriously. She asked her to think of it as a secret adventure. Karishma has to give credit to aunt, she knows how to ease a situation.

Everyone assembled in the dining room and started to praise the dinner. When they praised her, she couldn't feel happy but when aunt nudged her under the table, she gave them a smile. She tried to explain the dishes, but aunt took over whenever she gets stuck, which is most of the times.

The taste is awful, I thought I can at least try to eat one dish but all of them are awful, granny coughed after eating dishes.

Before she tried to make sense of the situation, aunt blurted out that she made everything tasty and good. That got a reaction from everyone and the guilt feeling returned. Granny looked at her like a criminal.

I knew it. I knew that you are incapable to be a daughter in law of this house. I wish I could say that your dishonesty surprised me, but I won't lie. Because unlike you, I have character. Have you no shame Ms.Kashyap? To lie and behave like this?

Karishma's anger went up like nothing else. That's it. It's just useless for her to be here anymore. She got up and left the room. She vaguely heard arnav's voice when she left the room. 

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