Chapter 16

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Arnav knows that his family convinced granny and so home turned into a peaceful place. His sister's upcoming wedding anniversary also helped the situation.

Can I help? Please? Karishma asked with puppy dog eyes.

Arnav knows that his girlfriend likes event planning, and she looks like a child asking for candy. 

He hides his amusement.

Karishma, please. Let it be. This is my personal thing I do for my sister and brother-in-law for years. And I would like to keep it that way.

Fine, his girlfriend didn't even try to hide her displeasure.

Arnav tried to sooth her.

You know what, maybe you can do your event planning thing for whatever event happens next in the home, if you leave me alone in this event. Deal?

Karishma brightens up and shake his hands. When she asked about inviting her friends over, he accepted it, but he also warned her that there is no alcohol allowed in the home. He saw a teasing look descending upon his girlfriend's face.

Really? Sometimes I do wonder if your family knows who you really are, you know? No nonveg, no alcohol. It's no wonder that you spent more time out than inside home.

He is not going to let her get away with this.

Oh really? What about you? Nonveg I know you like. But alcohol, if I'm right you and my family share the same opinion about alcohol. Maybe I'll tell my granny about your distaste of alcohol, that'll help both of you. Look at that, you both hate same thing. Granny, Arnav tried to call but Karishma's hand went up to his mouth.

Are you insane? Home has been peaceful for some time. Don't you dare try to ruin it? We agreed that we will take some time off from granny.

He takes her hand in his.

Actually, I am serious.

Fine, whatever. But what about you Mr. Raizada? How would you feel if I tell your granny that you drink?

But I don't.

I know that. But she didn't. Maybe then I will get my revenge for you denying my help.

You. I thought we had a deal.

Yeah, for the whole event planning, but what about small help? I can call and arrange,

Arnav saw aunt going their way.

Aunt, he called.

What is it Arnav?

Can you please take my girlfriend out from here so that I can focus my attention on planning this event. She is obsessed. So, can u also make sure that she stays away from all my plans?

You, Karishma's face turned red with embarrassment.

Aunt just laughed at that and took away Karishma from his side. He heard his aunt advising his girlfriend to stay out of his planning. He smiled at that. He knows that his girlfriend's eyes are boring holes into his back side, but he will get back to it later.

The event was successful up to a point. All of them wished the couple. They were looking so happy, and Arnav couldn't help but felt happy too. He is happy that his sister is blessed with Shyam, his brother-in-law. Karishma gifted a beautiful necklace to his sister and bracelet to his Jijaji. They both accepted happily. Granny looked approving.

Just when he thought everything is going good, events spiraled. Karishma was not feeling-well, he saw that she is feeling exhausted by everything, the crowd, the food. She has never been in a crowd like this, so when she excused citing headache, he helped her getting into her room. She assured him that she will be fine by morning, and he helped her and left the room when he was sure that she went to sleep.

When he got down, he is bombarded with problems. The sweets were spoiled, his jijaji went out for work and his sister looks disheartened. He was surprised to find out that kushi and her sister are the ones responsible for sweets. When tried to confront kushi, she ran away from him. But kushi made sweets fresh in their kitchen so that problem is solved.

He thought kushi went to lucknow, but no, she is here in his house. He have no idea what to feel about this turn of events. Just when he thought everything is going well in his life, it just turns the other way.

He found his sister sad face in the crowd. He called his jijai but he didn't pickup. He understands work is important but seeing his sister cutting the cake solo in her own wedding anniversary only made him worry more. When the guests enquired about Shyam, he and his aunt answered them. Just when he thought the night wouldn't get any worse, Karishma's friends got drunk and teased granny, Akash led them away before they could do any damage. Saying granny was angry would be an understatement. Finally, the night got ended and he rested his eyes.


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